Drunk..? (Tanzen/Zentan)

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Thank you for a request i cant tag you but i will in the comments because if i do the font will go black and my setting is dark so i wont be able to see so. Im sorry. But this is a AU where Kaigaku influences Zenitsu to drink and he gets drunk and gets a little frisky so this is a litte smut warning there is some fluff at the end.

Zenitsu's pov:

It was a friday night and I was in my room. Since gramps has died I have been focusing on my work to make gramps proud, i live with kaigaku and hes just been drinking and smoking. I stay in my room just in case of danger, Tanjiro is also here with me but right now he is in the bathroom taking a shower. He had finished his homework before me.

And I was stuck on a question and it was the last question so i waited for him to get back to help me. Then Kaigaku came into my room. He was drunk like usual. "What do you want?" I ask. He turns to me and tosses me a full bottle. "Hm? Whats this for" "just take a *hicc* sip, its water don't worry" he says. "Why don't i trust you..?" I say. "Im your friend why would i lie to you?" He says.

I still didn't believe him but I drank it anyways, when i finished the bottle he tossed me another one. It actually wasn't that bad it tasted pretty good. I chugged the other bottle and after this i couldn't remember anything.

Tanjiro's pov:

I saw Kaigaku walk out of Zenitsu room. I go in there and see two empty bottles of beer on his desk. "Oh no" i thought. Zenitsu saw me and I smelled the scent of lust. "Zenitsu..?" I said. "Yes Tanjiro-kun?" He asks. He gets up and almost trips. He shakes it off and walks up to me.

He wraps his hands around my neck and I blushed. He then takes my hands and puts them around his waist, the. Puts his hands back where they were. Zenitsu holds my chin and looks at my lips. He giggles a little. "What?" I ask. "I just hmm." He grabs the door handle behind me and shuts the door and locks it. "I wanna see how you taste love~" He smirks. My face was turning redder by the second.

He gets closer to my face, our lips being inches apart. Then he gets close enough that we kiss. I was kinda shocked at first but then i settled into it and kissed him back. But then i realized he was drunk. I pushed him off lightly. "Whats wrong love? I thought you liked it?" He tugs on the collar of my shirt. "Your drunk, i mean i would love and i mean love to do this but im not going to take advantage of you" I say.

"Aw come on im not that drunk~ *hicc*" "yes you are Zenitsu" he then rubs my cheek and starts to softly kiss my neck. "Mm.." i groan. "Come on love we can just go for a little bit right? Its not going to hurt anything" He then kisses me again. This time i got a little to comfortable and slip my tongue in. "Hm~" he moans. He pulls me closer making me flinch a little.

He backs up. "See. It was good wasn't it?" I turn away in shame. "Why am I doing this..? Im taking advantage of this. He's drunk i shouldn't be getting comfortable with this.. but i am." I was in a trance of thought but then i felt him on my neck. I look to see him kissing and biting my neck.

They were just little nibbles not to rough but i still didn't want to do this. I mean i did but not while he was drunk, why couldn't he just be sober and doing this it would've been so much better. He looks at me in the eye then goes down on his knees. "Zenitsu no we can't do this." I say. "Please just a little fun? The sight of you just makes me horny~" he says.

"No zenitsu." I pick him up and sit him on his bed. "Ughhh" he groans. Zenitsu lays on his bed and stares up at the ceiling. I lay next to him and he hugs me. I hug back. "Can we do it when im sober?" He asks. I turned red. "U-uh um maybe." "Yay!" He cheers. "now get into your pajamas" "fine"

He gets up and goes to his closet. He grabs a pair of pajamas, it looked like shorts and a hoodie set. He started to take his stuff off. "H-hey! Why are you changing in front of me" i blushed and covered my eyes. "Why not? It doesnt matter" he continued to change and when he was done the shorts looked a little to short for him. But the hoodie covered it.

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