Steven Conklin (Teen Pregnancy)

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I told my parents about the baby they weren't angry just disappointed that i wasn't safe which I had expected would be their reaction.

But after talking about what would happen they warmed up to the idea of a grandchild I didn't feel comfortable telling them who the father was which they understood.

I heard a beep, jeremiah was here. Jeremiah learned the truth because Conrad and I had been talking on the phone and he overheard so I came clean he knows steven is the father but he promised and so did Conrad I have been avoiding Conklins and the rest Susannah.

On the ride over Jeremiah made a comment about I was starting to show. He told me mother and the Conklins were coming for a lunch today, He handed me a baggy jumper he packed.

"Wear this", I raised my brow at him.

"To hide your belly"

he stated looking at me like I was dumb, I thanked him. The rest of car ride was singing taylor swift songs and making stupid dances moves.

I was waiting tables when I saw a glimpse of the Fisher's/Conklins, Susannah waved me over I was glad I had Jeremiah's jacket on.

I walked over menus in hand,

"Hey Mrs Fisher, have you been enjoying the summer". I asked whilst handing out the menus I quickly handed Steven his and went back to listening to Mrs Fisher talk.

"The summer has been lovely sweetie". I was listening to Susannah talk when I begin to feel like headed I started to wobble.

"Honey are you ok".

"Yeah I am fine I must been a little under the weather I might go take my break and rest".

Of course, I wobbled a little on my feet I thought I was okay but the last thing I remember is falling and hearing my name.

I woke up to Jeremiah sitting beside my hospital bed.

"What happened", I croaked out. Jeremiah handed me the cup of water he had prepared.

"The doctor said it was a symptom of your pregnancy".

I panicked, "is the baby ok".

"The baby is fine, I need to tell you something when the ambulance were called I had to tell them you were pregnant" . 

panicked, "did he here anything".

Jeremiah wasn't sure. My parents walked in, we talked after reassuring them I was ok they left and Jeremiah went back to work.

The nurse had been in and out all day and told me I would need to be under observation. I fallen asleep I heard a knocking noise,

I rolled over and shouted for them to come in.

I saw his head pick around the corner he looked hurt. I waited for him to sit down.

"When were going to tell me?"

I was silent I wasn't sure how to tell him I wasn't going to and never wanted him to know.

"You were going to tell me right."

Once again I couldn't answer him.

"Fucking say something", he shouted.

Steven, my voice sounded exhausted.

"I wasn't going to tell you".

What why, that child we both created and you just decided not tell me. But jeremiah and Conrad both new you were pregnant before me I am the baby's father. "

"Steven I told them not tell you, you heading to collage and you have your girlfriend to consider and I am not letting you waste your life away".

"That's not your decision to make, If I decided to drop out of collage to help with the baby that is my choice and you don't need to protect me I am was the one who had unprotected sex".

"Steven please seen my reasoning", he was being stubborn.

"What reasoning to see you expect me to live my life knowing I have a child I would never see because your worried I might ruin my education and my relationship with shayla.

I was exhausted and feeling my morning sickness.

"Shit, Please not now.

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