Cute Little Murmaids

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The wind was crippling, it found its way through the thick coat and under the skin. It was so cold, Eo thought her winds might freeze to the point where they wouldn be able to support her anymore.

All that stood before her eyes were mountains of ice stretching on and on as far as the eye could see. Fragments of ice and snow carried by the merciless winds threatened to blind her and rip her skin apart.

And yet she continued moving forward, she had a spell of protection on her, her family made sure she would come home safe, after all, she was the only heir to the empire they've created from nothing but clouds and wind.

Even with all the repercussions, travel through the plane of ice was hardly an enjoyable experience. The border of the Elemental Planes of Air and Water served as hardly traversable land that made sure creatures born for one place would sparsely move to the other side.

Many got lost and died here, covered in the clean white of the snow, their bodies often frozen solid in ice before they could rot. It was a land of corpses.

Eo prayed she would not join them today.

She could hear the faint cracking of ice every time she moved her wings, that's not good. She needs to get out of here, and quickly.

Her freezing, snow-covered wings carry her forward, into the endless desert of white.

Eo fights against the wind, it's just an inconvenience more than anything.

Hours come to pass, the dreaded carpet of icy spikes starts slowly melting. What were once mountains now stand at barely half their original height. Water floods in between the crystal hills.

The Elemental Plane of Water is getting closer, the air - softer, and the winds that hindered progress and made life... hard subsided and became breezes that while still quite chilling brought more refreshment than will to go and die somewhere.

Another half an hour or so and even the hills melted into a plain endless ocean. It stretched far beyond the horizon and the air smelled of water.

Eo continued flying forward, the water level was rising, there were chunks of water floating all around now, she looked up and the sky had water too, it was everywhere, and in front of her she could see the liquid merging together until it was nothing but an endless ocean.

The water reflected light from an unknown source, there was no sun and yet everything was bright as day. She flew as far as she could without being submerged in water and pulled out a vial with turquoise liquid inside of it as well as a small decorative jellyfish.

She uncorked the bottle and drank it. The potion was salty and smelled of seaweed and fish, but it was incomparably better than drowning would be, so she took it anyway.

Eo reached a hand and touched the wall of water in front of her, beyond this threshold there would be no more air, no more way to the surface, just an endless body of water.

On this side of the Plane the water was fresh and clear, it was beautiful and while water wasn't necessarily her element, she could appreciate the pure scope and purity of the sight before her.

She took a sharp breath and leapt into the water, the worst part was perhaps when her wings got submerged and soaked, she will have to wait for a while after she gets out of here before she can fly again.

Still, she looked around and there was nothing but the endless blue on all sides. Even the edge where she entered was now gone, replaced by more water.

Breathing underwater, while unusual, wasn't too bad, she tried to relax as her lungs filled with clear water, a couple of deep breaths and she was ready to move on.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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