1. The Car

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Night after night after night. Sweating. Shaking. Sleepless nights tossing and turning. Can't sleep. The dreams. The nightmares. They keep coming back again and again.

I roll over and pick up my phone and hit call.

"Vicky they keep coming back. I can't ever sleep anymore."

"It's alright just try to read a book or watch a movie tonight. Drink some tea to calm your nerves."

"Alright thanks for answering I know it's so late."

"No worries, Jess. Goodnight!"

I get up to go boil some water for some tea. I head back to my room to read a book as Vicky suggested while I wait on my tea. But all I can see are flashing images from my dreams. Nothing makes sense. The dreams started a year ago and I can't get them to ever stop. Sometimes I feel like they are real. The images are so vivid and the feelings are so intense. Almost feels like lightning striking through my body that wakes me up every time. Once I wake up, all I ever remember is him. Dean Winchester.

3:34 A.M.

Nothing makes sense. I haven't seen Dean Winchester since high school. We grew up together during that time. We hung out every now and then because we lived in the same neighborhood. He always made it clear that we couldn't be close. He was my first kiss. I kept my distance though. He was always busy babysitting his little brother Sam was it? However, it doesn't make sense. That was 10 years ago.

Almost every night is the same. I dream. I'm paralyzed in my dream. I can only see around me where my eyes can move. I am in an empty room. Dusty but empty. I'm laying down strapped to a bed. Then a figure comes in that I don't recognize. He is putting something on the sides of my head. The next thing I know I feel the purest pain of electricity go straight through my body. I close my eyes really tight from the pain. All i see is flashes of white light. My whole body shakes and starts dripping sweat. My body jolts just like the volts of electricity striking through my body. My veins bulging from my skin. My mouth is gagged so I can't say a thing or make barely any noise. No one can hear me. Then I see a car. 67 Chevy Impala. The bright headlights right in front of me and then I blink and I see him. Dean Winchester. Standing in front of the car facing me. I wasn't lying down anymore I was standing up. The other person in the room was gone. Then I pass out and wake up from the dream.

What does it mean?

At first I thought it was just some crazy dream, but then It came again and again and again. Every night I wake up drenched in sweat and have the worst headache.


I got dressed and made some green tea to go. I had work that morning. Bailey came running into the kitchen jumping up on my leg with the happiest smile. Bailey is my dog. She's a black lab. She has the cutest smile and the best energy I could ask for in a companion. We do almost everything together. I even take her to work! I work at a record shop. The best place to work here in OldTown, Indiana.

"Hey girl. Want some breakfast before we head out I presume?"

Bailey barks and spins in circles. She's the cutest. I fill her bowl up a little bit just enough for her to eat up before we head out in a few minutes. I grabbed my boots and slipped my feet inside, pulling my jeans over them. I throw on my Carhart jacket over my flannel and a beanie. Fall is coming and it isn't getting any warmer outside. I grab Bailey's leash and she knows where we are heading next.

"I know girl. It's your favorite place in the whole world. Let's go."

I grab our lunches and my keys and we head out to the truck after locking the front door.

I live in a nice calm neighborhood. My best friend Vicky lives down the street from me. We've been best friends since high school. We haven't been able to separate ourselves from each other ever since. Vicky Valentine. She is a sweetheart. Nicest gal you'll meet.

It's a bit rainy out today, but the wind feels nice driving down the road. There are lots of people out this Tuesday. Not surprised. That's the happiest day of the week in this town. In fact we always have a sale going on at the record shop. It's lovely seeing so many happy faces come in. And of course everyone loves to see Bailey waiting to greet them.

We pull into the lot as I notice the open sign isn't on. I check my watch. 9:05 a.m.

"That's odd."

I open the door for Bailey and we walk inside. Of course it's unlocked.

"Dan?" I looked around.

It was silent in the building. I took Bailey off her leash and hung it up. Bailey went running to the back room. I walked back cautiously. This whole situation seemed off.

"Bailey girl. Careful."

I stepped inside to the dark room. I hovered my hand over the gun in the back of my pants. I turned on the light and-


Dan and Lilly and standing over a cake that says Happy One Year!

"Shit guys you really freaked me out!"

"We're sorry Jess. We just wanted to surprise you. We know this may be a weird thing to celebrate one year here, but we are a small team so it's nice to have these celebrations. We have loved having you and Bailey apart of our team." Dan smiles at me.

 I simply can't help but smile. It's the sweetest thing anyone has done ever at a job for me.

"Thank you guys! This is too sweet!! You guys are the best. And I know Bailey loves you all too. Don't you girl?"

She jumps up in the chair with the biggest smile waiting for a slice of cake.

"Fine fine only one piece silly."

We all enjoy some cake and then we get right to work.

It's a mellow day at the shop. Happy customers and happy Bailey. Sales are going great and no complaints. We hardly ever get those but sometimes they happen on Tuesdays.

"Miss? Do you happen to know if this band is good?" This younger boy is holding up a tape of Led Zeppelin.

"Oh yeah! The best around! I listen to them on a daily, you should totally check them out!"

He smiles and runs to the register.

I have been organizing records for the past hour. Honestly it's so relaxing and I love learning new artists and listening to new songs.

The corner of my eye I see bright head lights shine into the front windows of the shop. Flashbacks of my dream hit me so hard, I get a piercing pain in my head. I walk over to the front of the building to see the chevy impala parked out front.


Someone steps out of the car.

"Dean Winchester..."

Remember me, Dean Winchester?  ~ Dean x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now