4. Dean Remembers?

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Jess POV

I look up at everyone in the circle. Demons. Of course all demons. How have I been twisted up in this mess? They are all talking about my knife and how to destroy it. Meanwhile I am tied up lying on top of a table. My dreams start to flash back to me and I start to get worried. My eyes get bigger and I start to squirm as my mouth is gagged shut.

"Oh don't you worry darling. We will put some use to you."

I look over terrified as the woman puts two small devices to my head and I start to convulse as electricity shoots through my body. It releases and smoke is coming from my head. I'm gasping for air.

This can't be happening. This can't be real.

Just as I say that another convulsion and I almost pass out from the pain.

All of a sudden two men jump out with guns pointed at everyone. Wait, no it's Dean and Sam?

How did they find me?

"Let her go and maybe I'll let you all live," Dean says.

"Oh really?" One of the demon says, "Look Dean, we are here on orders."

"Yeah orders from who? Crowley?"

Sam starts to walk closer to me as the demons get distracted and helps untie me. I have the hardest time keeping focused as I struggle to get a hold of myself. Sam helps me up and holds me up to carry me over to the wall and sets me down again raising his gun.

"We don't follow orders from Crowley anymore. Dear Lucifer has come back to save us and Hell."

Dean steps closer never putting his gun down for a second, "Oh yeah I'm sure he will do great things but bring back Hell."

"Enough!" A girl starts to walk out from behind everyone.

"Lily?.." I asked confused.

"Hey there Jess. Sorry but you are just too good to fool. No bad blood though right?"

Sam looks up at me after getting me free and then at Lily, "Lily? from the record shop?"

Lily puts her hand up and Sam gets thrown to the wall behind us, "Ever since I found out Jess here had something very powerful against us demons, I couldn't stay away. So I became close to her and worked with her. Come to learn she had no idea what the thing was this whole entire time because dear old Dad never told her."

Sam and Dean give each other a confused look and look at the knife Dean is holding.

"Ah yes Dean, a weapon just like that one, except this has way more juice and could not only kill every demon but also Lucifer."

Sam looks over at Dean scared and worried.

Dean looks at the Woman demon, "Lucifer was put back in his cage..."

All the demons starts laughing hysterically, "You thought what?!"

I'm on the floor lifeless. My vision is blurry. I touch my head looking back at my hand to find blood. I look around on the floor for anything. My knife. I start to lifelessly crawl to the knife like my life depends on it. Well in fact it does depend on it.

"We put him back."

"No no Dean you see you thought you did. Dear Crowley wanted revenge though."

Sam looks at Dean, "How did we not know?"

Dean starts to run at the woman demon and then she throws him against the wall and chokes Sam as soon as he tries to run to her.

I try to stand up with all my power in me, "Hey.. bitch.."

Remember me, Dean Winchester?  ~ Dean x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now