5. Jess's Special Knife

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Jess POV

Electricity is screaming through my body as blood starts to slowly seep out of my nose and mouth. My vision starts to go blurry and I can't breathe. Then it stops. Silence. I try to move but I've been tied down. It hurts to move. Every breathe is painful. the short skinny man walks into my vision.

"I...will kill...you..." I try to say with all my strength left.

"Oh sweetheart I'm just getting started" He chuckled loudly.

I hated him for everything. For killing my father. For capturing me and trying to kill me. I will kill him if that's what I takes to get rid of all of this.

The painful surge of electricity shoots through my body again and-

12:34 PM

I wake up covered in sweat jolting up and gasping for my life. My vision takes a minute to focus as three men run into the room I am in. Everything is so blurry. My ears are ringing. I put my hands over my ears and look around in fear of where I could be. My vision starts to clear and the ringing in my ear starts to go away. I look up to see that it's...Dean...and Sam and some other guy standing in front of me.

"Hey hey you're okay. You're safe." Dean sits next to me on the bed.

Sam stands next to my bed concerned. The other dude is standing there with a very serious intense face.

Then all of a sudden I remember and jump up in fear, but before I can even get off the bed both Dean and Sam are grabbing me by my arms and setting my back down on the bed, "Woah there you aren't in any state to be running off places."

I look at Dean in fear, "Bailey, they had Bailey!"

Then she coms running into the room and jumps onto the bed giving me lots of face kisses. I smile so hard and tears starts to stream out of my face, "Oh girl you're okay!"

Everyone sits there in silence for a minute as I reunite with Bailey.

"Jess, do you remember anything?" Sam says very concerned.

I sigh, "Unfortunately yes..."

"Why do you have this knife?" The serious man holds up my dad's knife and walks towards me. I get little freaked from his urgency.

"Dude. Cas! Give her some space," Dean puts his arm out in front of Cas.

I look at all three of them, "Um well it was my Dad's."

"Your Dad's? The only guy we know who's ever created one of these is someone from a story. A myth." Dean proclaims.

"Yeah Dean well looks like that guy was real and was apparently my father." I give him an annoying look.

Sam gives Dean a look and then looks back at me, "Look Jess, we know this has been a lot for you. We are just needing answers especially since you are in danger because of this knife. Did your dad ever tell you about it?"

"I didn't even know my dad did any of this stuff. I am still trying to process this whole demon and angel thing. I mean angels? Seriously how can that stuff exist?"

They all look at Cas, "Wait seriously? You're an angel?"

"Yes. My name is Castiel, an angel of the lord."

I look at Dean in shock, "And you guys? Are what? A hunter like my dad?"

"Uh yeah. Yeah we are." I laugh in shock.

"Jess, um," I look at Dean, "How come your dad never moved you around? Hunters don't stay in one spot for too long. You still live here."

"Yeah um well. I didn't know my dad was a...hunter...but he wasn't home rarely ever. When he was I cherished every moment of it. He died a few years after you guys left town. I had to live with my grandma for a little bit and then I finally moved out and started my own life. When he passed away, a close family friend of ours gave me this knife as a gift from him when he passed. I take it with me pretty much everywhere I go. it's the only thing I have left of him."

Remember me, Dean Winchester?  ~ Dean x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat