6. "What are you doing Dean Winchester?"

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Jess POV

My mind is running. I can't stop myself from bashing my fists into this punching bag. Flashes of the demon's face show up every time I swing. Anger starts bubbling over and I can't help but lose control.

'I killed your father...'

I hit harder and harder.

'Begging to see his daughter one last time...'

"AHH!!" I punch the bag so hard that I lose my balance and fall to the ground. I collapse on my knees and fall my head down in between them punching my fists onto the ground. Warm tears touch my cold cheeks.

Why me? Why couldn't I have a normal life? Why couldn't my father have let me helped him and been there for him when he needed it most even if it was bringing me in this life.

"No one will be able to give you those answers."

I look up to see the angel Castiel standing by the door. I looked up at him puzzled, "How-"

"Your father served great purpose in this world. I can't give you closure but I can say that even after his passing, he is still doing his duty as a hunter. You should be very proud."

"Yeah. Proud..."

I rub the sweat off my face as I sit on my butt with my arms drooped over my knees.

Castiel takes a seat in front of me.

"I may not fully understand being human yet, but what I do know is that things will get better. What matters most is having people close to you to help support you through it."

I look up at Castiel and give him a smile, "Thanks Cas. I really appreciate that. You remind me that I should probably call a close friend from home." Cas smiles in return as I walk away.

I walk into Dean's room to grab my things to shower. I'm hoping to be put in a different room if I am going to be staying here longer, but Dean insists. I walk out with my clothes in my hand not paying attention as I run into someone and drop all of my things.

"Jess I am so sorry." I look up to find Sam.

I smile, tired. "Yeah it's fine." I reach down to grab my things when Sam immediately grabs my hands.

"Jess, your hands. Are you okay? Did you get in a fight with someone?! Are you hurt?"

Sam all of a sudden pulls me closer and checks my head and my fists.

I pull my hands away fast.

"I'm fine Sam. I just needed to blow off some steam."

Sam laughs slightly and grabs my wrist pulling me to the bathroom, "You and Dean are so much alike. No wonder why you two get along so well."

Sam sits me down and gets a damp rag and some rubbing alcohol and some other medicine.

"This might sting."

He gets a rag damp with the alcohol and I have to refrain from not screaming by biting my shirt.

He looks up at me concerned, "Er, sorry..."

I look at him annoyed.

"Why weren't you using boxing gloves again?"

"Again. I needed to blow off some steam."

"Yeah...you keep saying that."

"Sam, you think my father really wanted me out of this life?"

"I think that he did what he thought was best for you. Whether you believe that or not. Your father is a legend Jess. He saved hundreds of people, including hunters. Us hunters look up to the stories told about your dad. No matter what anyone says, I think you belong here and have always been a hunter without even knowing it."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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