~Mini Story~part2~

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Red hot fire.

Searingly hot red fire, was all that was seen by the young princess. Red clouded her vision, not knowing where she was or who she was for that matter. The last thing she remembers is something of the insane nature, not sure what that could have been she feels something heavy and wet in her hands. Looking down, it's all red. Just red. Not knowing the damage she caused, she is already grabbed by 2 different pairs of hands. Screaming and thrashing, unsure of what this could mean. Her sanity is well gone. 

The feeling she is getting in her gut is more than likely to explain the situation without anyone needing to say anything. Pleading for her life on this pole she has been strung to, nothing will take back what she has done.

'Your majesty, why am I here, please let me go!'

Looking around at the stadium of people crowded around each other, she slowly pieces the pieces together.

'Sir please!'

'Silence witch, I have heard enough! You will cause this family no more turmoil! You may have been engaged to my son, but you are no longer part of this community.' -K

Her head was spinning from everything, the last thing that had happened was she was handing a flower to the princess.

'My King, wait! Don't do any rash!'

'Rash, rash?! You attempted to murder the princess, you're lucky shes in recovery!' -K

She finally notices guards loading up a wood pile beneath her feet, in panic she screams.

'Your highness please, I don't remember doing anything!'

'Lies! The prince lays to claim to have seen everything, his testimony could have you thrown in the dungeon for life!' -K

"The last thing I remember was giving the princess a flower, from there it's all nothingness! Next thing I knew I was tied up here! Please, you have to believe me!'

'Perhaps, she tells some truth father.' -P

Astoundingly enough the prince's sister pipes up with seconds to spare, the young princess and her use to be best friends in another life. Secretly as children, though you have to understand something. Their falling out had nothing to do with their independent standings in society, and everything to do with growing into their own roles. The young princess resents the prince's sister for this falling out, not by any means a fair resentment but one only her emotions control. Hence why she does not understand this feeling, but simply tries to not let it bother her consciously.

'She seems to claim a fog lay over her memory, may we at least hear her out.' -P

She was a beautiful sight indeed, all the neighboring prince's wanted her hand. Thus she turned them all down, and no one in any kingdom knows why. But why she wants to help the young princess now after all this time, will forever rattle the young princess's head for the rest of her life, however long that may be.

'She may not. I've heard enough, now continue.' -K

'Father, please!' -P

'Why so insistent my daughter? She almost wasted away your brothers fiance-' -K

'She was his fiance!' -P

'No matter, she is no longer part of this family by her own fault' -K

'The change in proposals is not her fault, she does not need to guard him like it is her own property. She should be free of her standing to pick and choose whoever she may.' -P

'You have no say in that matter, it is not you standing to say anything. It was by my choice that she marry my son, but I made a very clear mistake.' -K

This was her end, she had fully come to terms with it. But she then sees the princess jump from the pedestal whence she sat, lands feet first onto the dirt and races the guards to where the young princess was tied up, when Halu appears from above just in time to burn the restraints. Causing a big fire among all the people in the stadium, making the young princess disappear into thin air.

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