~Mini Story~part3~

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After the young princess having just vanished into thin air, the kingdom is in an uproar about her disappearance. All the blame has landed on the Laverna, the prince's sister. The one who "helped" the young princess escape from her restraints. The blame was bestowed onto her by her own father, so the whole kingdom follows as such. From there the young princess proves herself to be alive and residing in the Merric (Mare-ick) forest, using Halu's abilities to escape was not in the young princess's itinerary. 

She felt uderly betrayed by the one she loved, thrown into the dirt like she was nothing. Even less than nothing, with her heart left broken in pieces in her hands she didn't know where else she could go but the forest. With Halu by her side, they ventured deep into the forest. Her feelings and thoughts distracted her from the length of time that had past, she kept thinking to herself 'he chose her'. Nothing else mattered but that statement, not the time of day, not the weather, not the pain in her feet, nothing. Her hollowed chest and the gnawing, numbing pain wouldn't subside no matter what she would tell herself, even if she could feel the pain all through her body. The truth she faced couldn't hide its ugly self even if it wanted to, she was not what he wanted. She never was. He wouldn't even settle for her, even if she had any sort of attributes he remotely even liked. It still wasn't enough for him, at the end of the day, she wasn't enough for him.

But no matter what she told herself, it would not stop the tears. They flowed for what seemed like an eternity, their connection was undeniable. She just never saw it until now, refused to see it because in her heart she wanted to believe what they had was stronger than anything else. She loved him, and she didn't know why it was so intense. She had never felt anything like it before, never in a million years did she imagine she would be lucky enough to feel true, genuine love. But alas, his heart was elsewhere. And maybe she knew this in her true heart of hearts, his eyes were always somewhere else. No matter how badly she wanted to swim in those eyes of his, no matter how much time they spent together. No matter how he felt about her, she wanted to be his and him to be hers. In their own little bubble for the rest of their lives, happily set up anywhere he wanted to go. She would follow him to the ends of this planet if he so wished. If he had any ambition to go anywhere or do anything, she would go. Such a deep love is taxing on the heart, and she knew this. But she did not care one bit. She wanted him, and only him. 

~The End for now~

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