Christmas Gifts

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(AN : Kongpob - 4th year and Arthit - works at OE)

Arthit couldn't understand why suddenly they were celebrating Christmas this year. But then again, when one has friends like Bright and Tootah, one could be doing weirder things.

They all haven't met in a long time as the junior gang was busy with their final year studies and the senior gang with their respective jobs. So Bright took upon himself to plan an elaborate party and gather everyone.

Some were invited, some were forced and some were blackmailed but in the end, everyone would be attending the party. Since the theme of the party was Christmas, Bright announced that he will be Santa and the rest were free to not bring any gifts.

Arthit and Kongpob were the last ones to arrive. When they entered the bar they were awestruck. Bright's whole bar was turned into Christmas fairyland. Everything that could be associated with Christmas was there. And Bright being Bright didn't place the Christmas tree in a corner. Instead it was placed in the centre and around it couches and chairs were placed forming a circle.

Arthit and Kongpob sat on the only available space. The moment they sat Bright put their drinks in front of them and returned to his own place.

Kongpob: What's this drink P'?

Bright: You'll have to try it first and guess.

Arthit: No way. Kong is definitely not drinking that strange drink. Especially the one that is given by you.

Bright: Oh! But that's my gift for all of you - the drinks that I put in front of you. You can't deny them. That's insulting to the giver.

Prem: Wait... This is it? Just these drinks are your gifts?

Tootah: Huh... I should have known it would be something like this when this cheapskate declared to be the Santa.

Bright: Hey! Do you even know the price of that one shot sitting in front of you. These are all expensive alcohol okay.

Tew: Why don't we believe you P'Bright?

Em: Cheap or expensive, I am not drinking any strange drink. Sorry P'Bright.

Bright: Huh... You guys have no respect for a generous senior like me.

Oak was only half listening to the bickering happening around him. Ever since the drink was placed in front of him, he was dying with curiosity to know what it was. So finally he took the glass and drank it in one gulp. When Bright saw it, he started cheering Oak.

Bright: Oak from now on you are my favourite junior and my only best friend.

Oak: P'Bright but I still can't tell what it is.

Maprang: Umm Oak... How are you feeling though?

Arthit: Yes Oak, how are you feeling? Should we call a doctor or ---

Bright: Oh please, he is fine. Maybe a bit tipsy as the alcohol was strong but otherwise fine.

Maprang: What alcohol was it?

Oak: It tasted like a beer a bit.

Bright: Wow glasses boy! Behind that dumb face you are actually an intelligent man. You are right. I made a cocktail with a beer and other secret ingredients.

Oak: What!

Prem: Bright, have you lost it? Who mixes beer with... With... Whatever stuff you mixed!

Bright: Hey! Don't hate it before you taste it. It's one of my hit cocktails among my customers.

Kongpob: P'Bright, mine is just red wine right?

Arthit: Hey! I told you not to drink that.

Kongpob: But P' I was very curious so...

Bright: You are right Kong. It's a fine wine just like you.

Arthit: I swear Bright ---

Bright: Oh no... No no no... What I mean is wine symbolises sophistication just like Kongpob. Relax Arthit, not everyone is flirting with your Kong.

Kongpob: Umm... Thanks P'Bright.

Arthit: Yuck! What the hell! My drink tastes so bitter!

Bright: Aah... You too couldn't resist the temptation after all. That's the power of my decades old whiskey.

Arthit: So my drink is whiskey? What does that represent?

Bright: It actually represents you perfectly. Old and bitter.

Arthit: Who are you calling old you little shit! I ---

Kongpob: P'Arthit, please calm down. P'Bright is just pulling your leg. Whiskey actually represents a confident person with finer tastes in life.

Arthit: Hmph... Bright, you are alive tonight just because of Kong.

Bright: Well that's why he is my favourite junior.

Oak: P'Bright! You said I am your favourite junior.

Tootah: Huh... I don't even understand why they are fighting to be Bright's favourite.

Prem: I am just upset that Kong stopped Arthit from killing Bright.

And just like that laughter, teasing and more laughter continued. It was like old times and yet it was new. Everyone dispersed with the promises of meeting more often like this and with happy wishes.

As soon as Arthit opened his apartment's door he got nervous. He was excited while planning special Christmas gift for Kongpob but now that it was execution time he was feeling shy and nervous. He stood at the entrance of his bedroom and called Kongpob.

The moment Kongpob came near Arthit, he was suddenly grabbed at his waist and pulled into a kiss. Despite feeling confused and curious, Kongpob kissed back passionately. And just like Arthit initiated the kiss, he stopped too. Kongpob couldn't stop himself from moaning in complain. Arthit pointed upwards with a shy smile. A mistletoe was strung overhead.

Kongpob: So...?

Arthit: You are supposed to only kiss under the mistletoe.

Kongpob: P'!

Arthit was laughing as Kongpob pushed him inside and on the bed.

Well if we are going to celebrate Christmas this year, then I am going to make it the best Christmas of our life were Arthit's thoughts while planning this little surprise for Kongpob.



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