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"Please don't make her do this case, it'll kill her," I found myself saying, trembling. "She'll drive herself mad."

Rafael stared at me for a long moment with a confused expression on his face, wondering what could possibly have happened to Lily, and how she could have hidden something so important from him that he hadn't been able to find in a background search.

Lily had been through so much in her life...

And she'd made it out stronger.

"I see," he said finally, giving me a sympathetic nod. "I understand that it might be difficult for her..."

I could sense a but coming.

"But you two are my best agents, I can't have you both backing out whenever you see something that upsets you," he stated matter-of-factly. "You knew what the job entailed when you took it up. You have to have thick skin, you have to be able to withstand all the shit that we see on a daily basis. You can't let it get to you, it's just the circle of fucking life."

He trailed off his sentence, folding his arms sternly.

"We're the FBI, we have lives to save, people are depending on us."

Trafficked: A Dark Organized Crime Kidnapping Thriller/RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now