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I could hardly believe my ears.

My blood was boiling to the point it almost dried up.

Unable to believe what was happening.

He couldn't be telling the truth.

He couldn't...

After all I'd sacrificed just so I could be here...

"Are you fucking serious?!" I demanded, roaring, balling my hands into fists, rattling them as my veins pulsated their way to the surface of my skin, my body shaking with rage, betrayal, hurt and fury. "Then why did you all agree to come?!"

"They would have killed us if we didn't."

I let out a blood-curdling scream, screaming bloody murder, hardly able to keep myself upright as my vision became cloudy, my surroundings spinning around me, as I struggled to come to terms with the situation or even comprehend it.

I had to be stuck in a bad dream.

I had to be trapped in a nightmare.

A bad nightmare.

I needed to wake up.

I needed to wake up...

Trafficked: A Dark Organized Crime Kidnapping Thriller/RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now