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Hours later

The truck had set off, ready to transport us all to the work facility.

My heart pounded against my chest with anticipation.

There were about fifteen other men in the truck beside me, all of them sitting down quietly.

They hadn't said a word the entire journey, and I couldn't figure out why.

This silence and tension was getting awkward, so I thought best to speak up, to make the journey more bearable, and take my mind off of my family and being upset about them.

"Why do you all look so miserable?" I asked. "We're finally getting out of the refugee camp and getting work to provide for our families."

One of the men screwed his face, folding his arms.

"Except, we won't be able to provide for our families," he muttered, gritting his teeth.

"What do you mean?" I replied doubtfully.

"We're not going to get paid for the work we do for them," said another one of the men.

I could feel the blood drain out of my face, as I listened to the words spout out of his mouth.

"We're being forced into slave labour," he went on.

Trafficked: A Dark Organized Crime Kidnapping Thriller/RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now