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One of their friends was about to die.

And they couldn't do anything about it.

As soon as Min-ji had finished her heartfelt sentence, the infected teacher then charged at Y/N, forcing Su-hyeok to pull her back once again.

"The fuck? I said I wanted to fight for myself! Let go!" Y/N whisper-screamed.

But as the girl was scolding him, the infected swung at both of them.

Su-hyeok had ducked just in time, but
Y/N hadn't been as lucky.

Since she had been decked in the face, it took a moment for her to recover.

As Mr. Kang was about to grab hold of her, Su-hyeok landed a punch directly on his face.

Mr. Kang then lept at Su-hyeok once again, not wanting to become infected the dark-haired boy shoved him back.

The infected toppled to the ground, recovering almost immediately and searching for the next victim.

Thinking quickly, Cheong-san gripped the nearest desk and drove the zombie directly into the wall.

Being an adult with a new, altered body, Mr. Kang was strong.

Cheong-san was struggling holding him back. But his will to live was much stronger.

In one swift motion, Gyeong-su took a running start and slammed into the desk.

With two against one, the odds were finally looking good for them. But they had forgotten about the other infected. She was sure to turn soon, now.

"I don't want to die.. Help me..." She sobbed.

Na-yeon sprinted to the desks blocking the door and began removing them.

As much as Y/N didn't want to help Na-yeon, she didn't want to die either.

Well, at least right now she didn't.

Not like this.

Min-ji stumbled over to Y/N and Na-yeon.

Many heads turned to see what would go down.

Y/N felt nervous.

Na-yeon felt hatred and fear.

Su-hyeok felt scared. Well, they all did.

"Stay away!" Na-yeon whined.

"Get away from me! Get away!" She continued.

When Min-ji didn't stop, Na-yeon kicked her back.

Min-ji felt hurt, and scared.

All she wanted was a friend in her last moments to live.

And she couldn't even have that.

As soon as she fell to the ground, she began the process of turning.

She threw her head back, making the most disgusting noises. She turned around to Na-yeon, reaching out to her.
She wanted so bad to hug her friend for the last time. And her friend was too much of a bitch to let her.

All of a sudden, she fell to the ground.

Just as she fell though, her back arched and she let out a terrifying growl.

Min-ji stood up in an inhuman way, like she couldn't feel the pain she was inflicting on her own body.

Na-yeon continued hastily un-stacking the desks they had just spent so long piling up.

Min-ji advanced on Dae-su, but he caught her and rendered her incapable of hurting anyone.

"Stop Min-ji! Snap out of it, please!"

"We have to get out." Su-hyeok ordered, sprinting over to the desks and helping the girls un-stack.

"Get out!" He shouted.

Swiftly, everyone in the room was soon near the door.

"Three of us are still fighting the zombies. We can't just leave them behind." Y/N demanded.

Many people were out the door by now, leaving just Y/N, Su-hyeok, Dae-su, Cheong-san, and Gyeong-su.

Dae-su finally let go of his beloved friend, and Cheong-san and Gyeong-su pushed the teacher out of the way and threw the desk.

Su-hyeok made sure everyone was out before quickly exiting the room and sliding the door shut.

They all began sprinting down the hallway.

"Shouldn't we be a bit quieter? At this rate the zombies surely know where we are." Y/N whispered to Su-hyeok, since he was the person next to her at that moment.


Just as the boy replied, Na-yeon started screeching. loudly.

And that was a terrible mistake.

An infected sprinted around the corner, forcing all of the students to come to an abrupt stop before running in the other direction.

Many more infected students turned the corner, leaving them defenseless.

If they can barely take on one, how will they fight this many?

"Su-hyeok, what are you-"
Before the H/C girl could finish her sentence, he was on the zombies' tails.

"God dammit"
She trailed after him and watched in awe as he kicked a zombie back.

"Well shit I wanna do that too!"
She thought out loud as she began advancing on another infected.

And that's exactly what she did.

While the rest of the classmates were running away, Su-hyeok and Y/N were kicking some ass.

At one point, the duo threw a zombie back and forth like a game of catch!

The infected lunged at them, just barely missing Y/N as both she and Su-hyeok jumped back.

They continued fighting, although things weren't going amazing for them.

Being infected is like losing your sense of humanity.

Going back to your animal instincts.

To hunt.

To kill.

And as much as they didn't want to, they were so hungry.

So you can probably imagine how that would enhance and ruin their body at the same time.

It would make them much stronger, while also dumbing them down quite a bit.

All they would act on is instincts.

The pair tried their absolute hardest to hold off the zombies, even if it meant dieing.

I mean, at the moment Su-hyeok was in the middle of fighting two zombies at once, and Y/N was in a full on fist fight with a couple of them too.

Finally, their classmates felt compelled to move and started taking windows from the nearby classroom.

What did they do with these, you ask?

Why, hit zombies with them, of course!

This of course let Y/N and Su-hyeok catch a break.

But not for long.


1023 words

man, am I tired.

Writing is fucking hard guys, don't forget that.

Anyway, eat, sleep, all that shit just take care of yourselves goodbye now.

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