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"Maybe that's why no one's coming?"


"Hold on, this works, right?" Joon-yeong pointed to a school computer.

"Yeah, probably, but the internet is always shit on those things." Y/N complained.

Joon-yeong simply scoffed at her before hopping over to the computer and hovering over it, almost bumping into Ms. Park.

"Here, sit." A classmate brought a chair to him the moment he got to the computer desk.

Most of the class crowded around Joon-yeong and the computer, silently and not so silently hoping it would work.

"Will it work?"

"I assume so.. "

"Please work.. "

Y/N hung back, leaning on the wall and humming to calm herself down.

Her leg was killing her.

When Su-hyeok tied whatever bandage he did around her leg, of course he didn't have a chance to removed the glass pieces. It was just to stop the bleeding.

But now, anytime Y/N moved her injured leg, it shot pain all up her spine, too.

She winced pretty much every time she moved.

Music was one of the only things that calmed Y/N down. It helped during panic attacks. it helped when she just couldn't take the burden of living anymore.

So there she was, leaning against the wall, humming her favorite song with closed eyes, tuning out the rest of the world.

She knew someone was talking to her. But she didn't know who, not did she care.

She was just so.. tired.

She felt dizzy, her vision was getting blurry, and she was both hyperaware of everything and oblivious to everything at once.

The clinking of the hose...

The chattering of the students..

The clicking of a computer..

The sound of glass breaking..

Wait.. what?

The sound of glass breaking?!

Y/N snapped out of her daze, limping over to the window confusedly.

The whole class was backing up, asking questions like:

"Did someone not make it in?"

"What the fuck?"

There was more glass breaking, and probably seeping into Y/N's skin by now.

But she didn't care.

She had a horrible feeling, and she wanted to know why.

"Y/N, get back! Cheong-san,
not you, too! " Gyeong-su whined.

Y/N continued walking to the windowsill, Cheong-san following close behind.

"Do you see anything? It must be the wind... That scared me.." Gyeong-su continued babbling on.

Before anyone could calm down fully, a zombie fell upside-down from the window and had a firm hold on Y/N's hair.

The entire class erupted into screams, Na-yeon's being the loudest, of course.

"You mother fucker! Let go of my hair, or I swear to fucking god, I will rip you to shreds and enjoy it." A particular maniac shrieked, trying to free herself from the zombie's grasp.

𝑶𝒖𝒕𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒕 || All of us are dead || Su-hyeok x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now