To the month of October

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Dear dear!

It has been that month already? That's beautiful. October has been full of surprises for me. From the Durga Puja, the shiuli flowers and the smell of pujo to the dazzling sun, hot days and cool nights, it's a mesmerizing season. Oh Lord. How can we forget Halloween??? And the Inktober challenge?? Shouldn't and can't.

Dear October, you have always succeeded in making me fall in love with you. Maybe the people associated with this month have made me attached to them or maybe it has just been memorable, I love it. I don't know about others but October is pretty.

Last year, I was too sad to acknowledge October but this year, I won't make the same mistake.

Thank you October, for teaching me your importance. Thank you for making me realise it's just 2 months left and how fast time flies. Just thank you for you have my heart.

Loving you and will continue to,

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