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I read her text over and over, I could hear exactly how she would've said it- effortlessly and shamelessly. The confidence that emitted from her put me on top of the world. I had to leave my phone in a different room to keep myself from texting her over and over again. It was getting too late for a text to be considered appropriate, especially when the person receiving the message has only been out of my class for less than 24 hours. I went and snatched my phone from off the counter, I searched the contacts until I reached the Cs, slowing down so I didn't swipe right past it. When I found Collin I clicked the call button and put it to my ear.

"Yo, Collin? Dude you busy?"

"No, just hanging out. Everything okay?"

"Yeah... yeah, I mean, I guess. It's this chick again"

"What now? I mean I don't see the problem because she's clearly interested in you, she even called you daddy, that's some serious shit."

"I ran into her and her boyfriend today at dinner. The little shit head was taking down to her. She broke it off with him and asked me for a ride home."

There was a pause in the conversation, he knew there was more to the story than what I lead on but he couldn't figured out what it was. I sighed, it wasn't even a big deal but for some reason I could feel the anxiety tingling in my hands.

"We smoked a little on the drive, we didn't really talk much but before she got out I got her number. She texted me and thanked me for the sesh and that she "had better" if I was interested... then-"

I paused, thinking of a way to avoid the part about her just graduating. I was lost in thought until Collin's voice dragged me back to reality

"Then what? I don't see why you didn't just bring her back to your place, she's got it bad for you"

"I told her that she deserved better than the dick head and she said 'he was just a way to waste time, I have my eyes set elsewhere.' I haven't replied to her. What do I do?"

"Tell her that what you smoked with her was all you had and you wanted to see what her stock looks like. You get a new hook up and you might get to actually hook up"

I tried to laugh but if he had known the whole situation he would feel differently, it took the humor out of it. I said my goodbyes to Collin and rolled my phone over in my hands a few times. I plugged it into the charger and walked away, but then I quickly turned back and snatch it up. I typed slowly, hesitating before I hit send. I gulped and began to lower my finger but stopped when I heard a ding

Should I be even more obvious?

I deleted the entire paragraph I was about to send and began to work again. I was able to shorten it quite a bit, I was almost tempted to ask her to hang out right that second. I pressed send, feeling her confidence through the phone

If there is anything you lack in this world it is not transparency. I need a reup anyway, I'll get with you tomorrow

I set my phone down and started getting ready for bed, brushed teeth, sweats and a t shirt, my hair still a little damp from the in and out shower I took. When I look back down at my screen I see two notifications, both from Arie.

I only make deals in the dark. You can pick me up whenever but it has to be before the sun comes up.

Tick tock goes the clock, sir, I could be your passenger princess for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2022 ⏰

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