12: Insane

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"Don't need no butterflies when you give me the whole damn zoo"

"Don't need no butterflies when you give me the whole damn zoo"

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Hlo lovelies,

I can't believe this book crossed 1k views today. I am so happy and so thankful to all of you. Please keep loving and supporting me always!<3

"Here. Go inside. Dont worry," Yoongi says to you. You gulp and nod. You just have to take your phone, then come out. That's it. It will be easy. Just mind your buisness.

You knock at the door with slightly trembling fingers. After a few seconds, when no voice come from inside, you are about to knock again but the door opens revealing a smiling Seokjin. Maybe Jungkook is in good mood now.

"Oh Y/N. Go inside. He's waiting for you," he says and swings his arms around Yoongi's shoulder.

They both walk away, leaving you standing there alone. You sigh and slowly open the door wide. You see no one there. So, you walk inside and close the door.

"J-Jungkook?" You call out.

"Coming," you hear him. The voice came from another door- maybe it's the bathroom.

You bite your lip in nervousness and walk around. There are so many papers laying on the huge table. There is also a sofa set on the corner and a big book rack on other corner. You walk to the book rack and pick out one book. It's English Literature. You are quite shocked at the fact that he actually reads them. Anyways, you keep the book at its place and look at the walls. They are again covered with portraits and paintings.

There is this one huge portrait of a very beautiful woman, probably in her early thirties with a small baby- around Eun Jae's, age sitting on her lap. The woman is smiling widely as the baby is covered in strokes of paint of different colours. The baby is also holding painting brushes in his hands and he is pouting because of the mess he has created, while looking at the camera. The paint is scattered on the floor too.

You smile at how cute this looks and bring your hand up to touch the painting.

"You like it?" You suddenly jump at your feet and look behind you. Jungkook is standing right at your back with his both hands in the pockets of his grey sweatpants. He is wearing a grey t shirt now.

"Uh yes. I-its cute," you answer and again look at your front as a blush creeps on your cheeks.

He steps forward so that his chest is touching your back now. He brings his arm up to touch the painting too. His arm is so close to your neck. You can feel his breathe on your hair which is making you feel hot. You close your eyes unable to do anything.

𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 (Jeon Jungkook)/ 18+ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now