Chapter 1: Little, Tiny, Fragile Mortal

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The shadow moved slowly over the region. Heavy wings moved over the region, black eyes almost shining with glee as people in town after town hid as the golden form searched over the lands, letting out a large roar.

It was exciting to him. The wyvern could swoop down and would snatch a couple animals, before moving back up, finding his cavern. A golden wyvern. A wyvern itself is something not many in the region of Ru'aun would see. And for those he chose to survive, it was a privilege.

At moments, there were times the wyvern, once a member of the royal family of the Wyvern Realm would look up at the stars, sheltered in his cavern surrounded by the treasures and meats of his hunts, would reminisce about his past; of the realm he grew up in, the trees that stretched beyond the murky dark sky, the colder nights he would spend close to his mate, her gentle growls and purrs soothing his mind.

It was moments like that which caused the ancient wyvern to falter, to think on his life, his choices. The searing pain as his brethren cast him out, a family already separated from their home as just babies. And they would dare to remove him from that family!? To wander cold and alone!?

He thought they would understand where his hatred came from. It was because of humans, of cowards and vain tyrants that they were separated! Separated from the only home they should have ever known! They deserved to suffer, just as he and his family had suffered!

It disgusted him, the warmth in their hearts of which they held care for the disgusting mortals that had led them to be alone, suffering and cold, trying to hide from hunters, from those who would tear their scales off of their bodies.

They dared to abandon him, when he was right . They listened to the word of a runt over him, the eldest of their brethren. The careful acknowledgement they had of mortals was disgustingly vile. The way they appreciated the way that mortals lived.

They deserved to burn, to bleed and scream. They worshipped Gods, Divines, that would not answer them, and would never answer them. The Divine Age was long gone. The mortals could hope for the Age of Renewal as much as they wanted, but it didn't change the fact that the Divine were gone. Irene, and her faithful and loyal servants were gone.

It-... frustrated him in a way, this mighty wyvern. If Irene, the so-called beloved Matron , Goddess of Peace, weren't such a coward, she could have made sure they were all safe, instead of his family being hunted and outcast, attempting to be killed, their scales sold for profits beyond a mortal's capable reckoning.

It frustrated him just as much as his miserable runt of a brother leading the charge to abandon him! Those words continuously echoed through his head, sending fury through him, causing him to bear his teeth and slash his claws against trees and the stone of his lone cavern in pain and anger.

"Ungrth," Raven had growled at him, golden eyes narrowed, "mortals are precious, and we cannot interfere with them, for good or for worse. If you are going to truly go on this pathetic revenge plot, destroy this realm, then we shall not follow you. You will be banished."

"What!?" Ungrth had been outraged, looking at all of his siblings, their heads bowed in acknowledgement, standing beside Raven, their smallest brethren. He had turned to the golden scales of his mate. "Kaguhf, surely you do not stand beside them as well!? You know I'm right!"

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