Chapter 5: Healing, Determined, Loved Companion

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Disclaimer: This chapter as well has timeskips, ending when Laurence is around 21-22. Some parts of this chapter also include major character death, fighting/violence, and mention of blood.

"Look who it is!" The familiar voice laughed. Laurance turned on his horse, green eyes shining. Hayden stood by the gate to the town, beaming as the brunette came into view. As the young boy climbed down from the horse, Hayden wasted no time pulling Laurance into a tight hug, his black eyes shining.

"Oh, look at you!" He chuckled, holding the brunette a few inches away from him. "Joh will be so excited to see you back...he's been waiting proudly for days since you said you were coming home. So have-" Hayden could not finish however, before two girls immediately tackled the boy to the ground.

Cadenza and Sasha laughed, the two still proving too strong for the new knight. "There you are, dumbass!" Sasha grinned, her purple eyes glistening with happiness and pride. "I've been waiting to beat you up again!"

"Well now you'll have some difficulty!" Laurance snorted, pushing himself up. Cadenza giggled, punching his arm.

"Somehow I doubt that!"

"Wh- hey!" Laurance laughed. "That's not fair!" The brunette laughed, turning back to his horse. Hayden waved a hand, smiling softly.

"I'll take your horse back. You go and see your father."

Laurence's eyes shone. He'd missed his father more than anything. Pushing Sasha and Cadenza playfully, he ran through Meteli, waving to a few of the people who now recognised him as Joh's son. He chuckled, heading to the door.

Inside, he could already hear Joh inside, mumbling quietly about the town, a thing the lord typically did when he was in thought. Laurence beamed, opening the door. Joh's head lifted up from the table where he was sitting. His blue eyes widened as he stared at his son, tears gathering in his eyes.

"You're home." Laurence smiled, chuckling.

"Hey dad."

Joh chuckled, standing. His hair was starting to be tinted with grey, but even then he smiled. Laurence had missed his family. The lord chuckled, hugging him tightly, before gripping him by the shoulders. "Look at look so grown up now..."

Laurence leaned against his father, smiling. His heart felt lighter, especially now that he'd made up with Ungrth. "I missed you too dad. It was fun! But Irene, am I thankful to be home.."

Joh laughed softly, ruffling his boy's hair. "Well come on- no doubt you'll want to rest. We can organise your knighting at the celebration tonight, alright?" Laurence smiled, following his father upstairs.

He really was glad to be home.


Laurence smiled from where he sat with his friends. Sasha was leaning her head on Kenmur's shoulder, while Cadenza giggled and danced, her fiery long hair out and moving about her shoulders. They watched as she danced without a care, the end of her dress messy with the dirt she was kicking up, but she smiled and laughed with glee.

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