Chapter 3: Restless, Ambitious, Wayward Companion

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Laurance grinned, his green eyes shining excitedly as he ran through the forest, panting as he leapt over roots and ducked under branches. The teen's eyes glistened as he laughed, climbing up the tree, higher and higher before he could see the forest below.

"Ok..." He chuckled, smiling. He breathed in, then out. Three, two, and- he'd prove himself. "Now!"

He felt the wind move, and for a moment, he thought it was working. Before he heard the familiar growling laughter.

"What are you doing boy?" Ungrth growled, almost curious. Laurance sighed, flopping in the wyvern's grip. Ungrth huffed, lowering him to the ground. "Are you not done with trying? You are not a wyvern mortal."

Laurance groaned, sitting down as he picked at the grass. "Doesn't mean I can't fly."

Ungrth laughed. "It does. Come on, it's not safe out here."

"I thought you were fine with werewolves?"

"I am . But not other mortals..." The teen tilted his head as his companion growled, wings moving annoyed.

"I mean- they're like me . "Mortals". Why don't you want me around them?" Laurance sighed, continuing to walk back to the cavern, following after Ungrth.

"Because they would sooner try and kill me for my horns or scales than have a conversation. Other mortals cannot understand me either."

"Then why can I? I remember- until I was 5 I couldn't understand you at all. Now after that night you roared at me all the way to now, I can."

"Because I made you my Companion...we are connected through our very souls. You can understand me as easily as any other wyvern. I didn't plan on doing it until you were older. But-" Ungrth sighed- "I could have lost you. I needed to make sure I could find you...that you were okay."

Laurance looked down, rubbing his arm. He supposed he understood. He remembered that night clearly. He huffed, arms folded.

"If you don't like mortals, then why in the Nether do you keep me around?"


"If you don't like mortals, then why in the Nether do you keep me around?"

That made Ungrth pause. Why did he keep this mortal around? The wyvern turned, looking back towards the boy. He had been 5, and young, excitable and curious. Now, he was 13; restless and ambitious. If anything, any mortals at that age seemed annoying, at least again.

But why did he keep Laurance around? At first it had just been because he felt sorry for the child, the baby. But now- he was old enough to leave on his own, but here the wyvern was, still looking after him.

"Because you are one exception. You are a mortal I suppose I can handle having around. Now, if you don't want me to confine you to the cavern again, you'll cease trying to 'fly'."

"Fine. It's not my fault everything's boring."

"Get back to the cavern..." Ungrth huffed, though he growled almost calmly. "Let's see how quick you are."

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