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expanded wings
cloth tied around the neck and
let us think that they fly because
in the phase, when you jump off to die
you're immature and blameless 
so you whack to fly

these flightless birds, supposed to fly

they're a clockwork of nightmares
run in circles of pain, disgust, loathe
and suppressed anger
How much rage weighs?

these flightless birds, hope to fly

grew up to be weighed with love
what heavier than that?
What's heavier than recollecting
'how they danced once'?
your legs refuse to move,
what stops them if not helplessness?

these flightless birds, hate to fly

see they're born with the weight of
'not being in mothers anymore'
see they're born with a pendant
gifted by their grandmother
the weight of affection

these flightless birds, want to fly

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