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Ritsu Onodera slowly started trembling he felt sick to his stomach. With an unenthusiastic groan he staggered to the fridge. Reaching out to grab an energy drink he started his mourning routine, he removed all his clothes except for his navy blue boxer briefs and grabbed a clean set of clothes. He couldn't help but grab the wall for support. His clothes baggy and his pants a bit too low as he mindlessly slipped on his shoes and coat. Not bothering to put anything else on he unlocked his door and headed to work.
He clicked the button to bring the elevator down, his mind was to hazey that he didn't realize when Takano-san greeted him. Onodera mumbled back a soft hey. As he stepped into the elevator, he pushed the ground botton. He got on the train not caring that Takano-san sat next to him. He answered the questions asked by his neighbor/boss/lover but in his mind he was trying to process what was happening. Work was chaotic with the end of the cycle. After drinking another two energy drinks, Ritsu was able to get his mind to focus. Takano-san had him running all over the building, getting copies, sending faxes, dealing with the printers, getting Shouta and the guys refreshments. No one seemed to notice how Ritsu would start to fade and shove a loaded coffee in his face, how the tint of pink was getting a darker shade. Ritsu somehow made it, everyone in the Emerald department halfway dead and aware. They had somehow managed to meet the deadline.
"Good job everyone."
Takano-san said looking around for a certain brunette.
Ritsu meanwhile was dumping the few contents in his stomach to the porcelain thrown. By now he was shaking visibly he flushed without looking at the undigested 'food'. He pushed himself up, swinging his bag over his shoulder. Coming out the door he bumped into Yokozawa.
"Watch where you are going!"
Ritsu looked at Yokozawa his knees threatening to give out beneath him. Ritsu's temperature rose again,
Yokozawa's expression went from pist to concern.
"Are you feeling well?"
"Hai. Just the usual end of the cycle."
Ritsu made his way to the lobby door.
"Oi! Onodera I was searching all over for you. You left your crap,"
Ritsu turned to see a POed Takano-san.
"God how careless can you be?"
Ritsu looked down at his shoes hoping Takano-san wouldn't notice.
"Let's go home together."
Takano's voice felt far away. Ritsu followed, and didn't complain as his left hand was held. He felt too tired, and everything felt cold. Out side it was pouring hard. Lightning flashes, followed by loud thunder.
Takano started the car even though it only took a few minutes to get to the car both he and Onodera were soaked. Ritsu buckled his seat belt fighting his heavy eyelids. Takano started talking to him but in Ritsu's mind nothing made sense.
"Were you actually going to leave without your manuscripts?!"
Takano glanced at Onodera when he got no response. He smiled seeing Onodera had fallen asleep.

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