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Onodera pushed the button releasing hot coffee and bent over to grab his beverage. Takano finished faxing the last set of papers and packed up.
"Ready to go?"
Onodera turned and smiled softly,
"Yes. Let's go home."
Onodera tried his best not to fall asleep, but once he sat down and Takano started rubbing his back his strength evaporated from him, and soon he was nodding off. Takano smirked knowing that he was winning.
Just a bit more till he falls asleep.
"It's our stop."
Takano stopped and grabbed his bag, as well as Onodera's. Said party followed half asleep.
"You worked hard today, I'm proud of you."
Masamune stated as he held the door open for a sleepy Ritsu.
"I'll start the coffee maker."
Masamune followed Ritsu silently, like a predator waiting for its prey.
"Shall we have Salmon, or chicken tonight?"
He stated, hugging Ritsu from behind, sliding his hands down to the hem of Onodera's boxer briefs.
"Can it be fried?"
The button was undone,
"That's not very healthy now, is it?"
The zipper slides down.
"Fish it is."
Onodera turned,
"Yes, Masamune?"
"You're so precious to me."
Ritsu was pulled into a loving embrace. Feeling his heart swell, Onodera took this time to inhale the scent that was Takano, he smelled faintly of detergent, body wash, cigarettes, and old spice deodorant. The two stayed in that embrace, Ritsu because he was tired and comfortable, and Takano because he knew he was being sniffed. After a few quick seconds Ritsu pulled away.
"I'm going to shower."
Masamune chuckled quietly,
"What about the coffee?"
He stated once Onodera was out of hearing range.
I should probably buy some more milk...and put the Salmon to steam.
Onodera undressed and stood in the mirror, observing all his love bites.
He placed his hand under the pouring water, waiting for it to heat up remembering everything that led up to this moment. He smiled softly.
"So jaded..."
He said mockingly to himself.
He felt a warm feeling in his chest, and entered the water.
Takano poured himself a mug of coffee, adding some hazelnut creamer to the other mug sitting besides it. He paced the kitchen as the Salmon steamed, the rice cooked.
Finally, a home with Ritsu
Takano's mind wondered to the lonely years he spent searching for his lover.
"Thank you."
Hearing the rice cooker go off brought him back to reality. Takano then turned off said rice cooker, and watched said fish cook. We still have a lot to do. I don't want to think of work right now.
Takano searched for his cigarette pack, but remembered he was going cold turkey. Ugh I could really use a cigarette right now. Now that I think of it, shouldn't Ritsu be out by now?
A knock was heard on the bathroom door.
"Hurry up, the foods gonna get cold."
"Coming, just a minite."
Takano sat down by the coffee table, sipping his hot beverage. Onodera came out, and sat across him.
"This smells really good."
They ate in comfortable silence, occasionally making eye contact. Ritsu finished first and tapped his thigh as he waited for his boss to finish up.
"Ready to go back to work?"
Asked Ritsu standing up grabbing the plates.
A nod was his only reply as they got dressed for work.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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