there for you

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"Ritsu, wake up."
Takano shook the younger male next to him. Emerald eyes opened blinking a few times.
"Who else baka?"
"Where are we?"
"Home, now let's go before it starts raining harder."
Onodera opened the door, but when he stood up his knees buckled under him.
"Are you okay?"
"H-hai, just tired."
Ritsu tried to stand but his knees couldn't support him.
"Jeez just get on my back."
Onodera mumbled something before Takano hoisted him on his back. He noticed that heat radiated from Ritsu and that he felt
"Shh, we're almost there."
It was quite obvious to Masamune that Ritsu was burning up. He could hear the shallow breathing, feel how his lover was trembling, and the warmth seeping through his clothes to his skin.
Takano entered the elevator and brought it down.
Takano gripped Ritsu tightly, as the elevator door opened, he somehow managed to open the door to his apartment. Without closing the door, he set Ritsu on the couch.
Masasume placed his shoes in the door way and as quickly as he possibly could undressed himself till he was in his boxers. He then proceeded the same process with the latter. Filling the tub with refreshing cold water he carried a now naked brunette into the bathroom. He was shivering and clinging onto Takano-san tightly, complaining about how he was freezing.
Takano slowly lowered Ritsu into the tub. Ritsu tried to struggle but he soon tired himself. He folded into himself, trying to stay warm.
"It's cold. No!"
Takano stepped in and started putting shampoo into Ritsu's semi-dry hair. Ritsu stared at him, not saying anything. Holding himself, shivering. Takano dumped cold water on his head and Ritsu broke into tears.
Onodera just cried harder,
"Senpai do you really not love me?"
"Of course I do."
Ritsu however didn't hear Masamune as his body finally gave in. Takano
finished washing Ritsu and himself before carrying the younger male to the bedroom. He placed the shivering editor on his bed and laid down holding his breath as Ritsu latched himself onto him.
Takano kisses chapped lips. Before he fell asleep.
Onodera started shaking and tossed and turned, crying gripping the sheets tightly, Takano awoke searching for the blanket. He opened his eyes when he heard hyperventilating. bolting up, he darted into the bathroom, grabbing a thermometer. He shook Onodera until he opened his eyes, they were glassed over and he immediately started crying.
"I'm going to put this thermometer in your mouth, okay?"
Only when he tried to get it into Onodera's mouth he started panicking, Takano sighed opening a pill bottle and a water bottle.
"Forgive me Ritsu."
He popped two pills into his mouth some water and kissed Ritsu, he then held Ritsu until the sedative kicked in. Takano got off brushing damp chocolate locks out of the young editors face he headed to the kitchen to get the necessary materials to bring down Onodera's fever.

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