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I kick my feet up onto the coffee table in front of me. School is starting get on my nerves. Waking up has begun to get so much more difficult. At this point I can't even find understand why we still go with everything going on in this town.

"If anyone has any information, please come forward." The TV showed a women holding a microphone in front of a home littered in police tape.

"Oh honey, change that. The world is a scary place. I mean how is this killer getting away with all of this? You mean to tell me this murderer killed fifteen," She stopped, jerking her head as she continued talking, "FIFTEEN people and the police can't figure out one clue? It's like they want us in danger to keep their stupid little job." My mom complained while pointing a dripping big metal spoon at the TV.

She's right though. How has the cops not gotten anywhere in this case? What's so different about this killer that separates them from the rest?

The ringing of a phone pulls me out of my thoughts. I look away from the TV to see where it's coming from.

"Ah Y/N!! Can you grab my phone honey?" My mom hurriedly says while elbows deep in murky sink water. I rush over to accept the call and put the phone up to my moms ear.

"Right now? Can't this wait? Today's my only day off and I have to catch up on some house w- Right. Right.. Okay I'm on my way." She says while pulling her hands out of the sink, wiping the water off on a now wet kitchen rag.

I hang up the phone. "What's wrong? Called into work again?" I ask, semi upset she has to leave so soon.

"Yeah, unfortunately. You know how it is, I can't ever catch a break." She says while slipping her crocks on and pulling her name tag out of her purse, clipping it onto her scrubs she had neatly folded on top of the ironing board in the living room.

"I don't want you going out young lady, you hear me? The world is-"

"A scary place. I know mom." I finish with a tight lipped smile. I'm not stupid, I know better than to go out during a time like this.

"I just don't want you getting hurt. I don't mean to hold you prisoner but with all the murders going on.. just promise me you won't." She sighed while leaning against the front door frame.

I hold out my pinky to her and she smiles and brings her own up to mine, wrapping it around before turning around and speed walking to her car. Before I know it, she pulls out of our driveway and is gone.

My phone dings and I immediately check it, knowing I have nothing better to do.

"Do you wanna go out? I'm literally so hungry but I don't wanna go out alone" is what my screen read.

Kai has been my best friend all throughout middle school and high school. Now that we're seniors, we're both super excited to graduate and leave that dump of a school.

I know I promised mom not to go out, but it's just for food? It shouldn't even take that long and it's with Kai, how bad can it be?

I respond quickly to the text before rushing to my room and sliding my shoes back on. I grab my necessities.

Phone, check. Charger, check. Keys, check. Wallet, check. I should be good.

I shiver from the cold coming through my window and shut it before grabbing a sweater and heading for the front door, tripping on my own shoe on the way there. I didn't fall though!

The cold air hit my face as I exhale and see my breath fog up into a little cloud.

While walking up the street, I can feel a pair of eyes follow my every move but anytime I glance around to look, nothings there. There's still about two hours of daylight left so I should be good before getting home.

I take a big breath and plug earbuds into my ears, drowning out any paranoid thought. It's bright outside and this neighborhood isn't too dangerous. I'll be fine?

After arriving to where Kai told me to meet him, I reach up and take out my left earbud, tucking it into my sweater. Shoving my fists into my pocket, I look around for his figure.

"Y/N!!!" A familiar voice called from somewhere behind me followed with his signature laugh. I spun on the balls of my feet and smile while tensing up my shoulder to come off as more excited. Don't get me wrong, I love Kai! But I hate having to wait for him to show up after it was his plan to meet up in the first place.

"Kai!!" I say while standing there awkwardly, doing a little dance to generate body heat. He finally catches up to me and we begin walking to a local restaurant.

"You know I was wishing you'd bring the car." Kai said, nudging my shoulder with his own.

"My mom took the car.. You can drive, why didn't YOU bring your car?" I asked almost defensively BUT as a joke.

"You know what's crazy? I totally rear ended someone yesterday." He said laughing.

I stopped walking with my mouth agape while it turned into a surprised smile. "Literally, HOW? When did this happen?? WHY didn't you tell me?! Are they okay- are YOU okay?" I said in between pity laughs.

"Yeah, everything is fineee. I gave them my number.. Partly because she was cute? But, to also you know.. pay for the damage." He said while pulling on my sleeve to cross the street with him.

We got to the restaurant and finished talking about his car accident while enjoying our food. We had gotten so caught up in talking about the recent murderous events happening in our very own town that we lost track of time.

Eventually we finished eating and began walking, soon parting our ways for the rest of the journey. It had some how gotten so much chillier, dropping at least another 10 degrees. I was rubbing my hands together, blowing into them while they were cupped. I looked around because the feeling of being watched was back. It had gotten dark and the paranoid thoughts returned. 

I speed up my steps and got to my house quickly enough. I fumbled in my pockets for the keys but my finger tips only brushed against my phone, wallet, and charger. I could have recalled putting my keys in my pocket.

"Shhhit." I say as the foggy cloud from my breath follows right after. I look behind me, still having the panicky-paranoid thoughts.

I quickly walk to behind the house to look for the spare key we had hidden.. somewhere? Under a rock? Behind the grill maybe? But nothing.

Like a lightbulb, the idea of just going through my window hit me. I turned my head towards the window, but it was already open?

I could have sworn that I closed it before grabbing my things and leaving.

I grab onto the the edge of my window and pull myself in. I turn around and shut it closed, locking it immediately after. I let out a relieved sigh and stretch my arms a bit, hoping to let out some of the tension I had from being so nervous.

I open my bedroom door and head out to the kitchen for something to drink before getting in the shower and heading off to bed. On the floor was my key ring, I must've dropped them after I tripped.

When I picked them up, the house key was gone.

Once the kitchen was in view, I froze. The cabinets had been opened and drawers were rummaged through. I quickly looked over my shoulder where I had just came from and rushed back over to see my bedroom door pushed open more and my window open once again.

Someone had been in my house.

Word count: 1,406

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