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I couldn't sleep all night. All because I left, someone had gotten in my house and TOOK my house key. If they took it, I'm sure they'll be returning.

It's not light out yet but I jump at knocking on my door.

"Y/N? Honeyy.. I just got home-" A familiar voice spoke from the other side of the door.

I opened it up and met an exhausted looking mom. "Oh my Lanta?! You look worse than me and I've been in the ER all night. What happened?" She pestered me all shocked. Before I had time to explain she continued "Actually no no, tell me later honey. I am EXHAUSTED! Please keep it down, will you?" She said before dragging herself to her bedroom.

I stood there still half asleep. Last night felt like an interrupted nightmare. I know this isn't over and it's the more horrifying detail. Maybe I should text Kai? He would believe me, Right?

I dragged my body back to the bed and let my body fall into the comfort of my blankets. It's Saturday, so at least I don't have to be productive. Before I knew it, my eyelids were falling and I began drifting into what would have been the best nap.

"Going to sleep?" A smooth, low, unknown voice spoke. My head shot towards the direction of the dim corner. I pushed up and all the fatigue previously in my body disappeared. I went from almost unconscious to 100% alert.

In the corner a tall silhouette stood. I was frozen, what do I do? Who is that? Is he the thief of my house key? Why is he in my room?

"Who are you? Why are you in my house?!" I voiced out my thoughts, croaking from previously being so tired.

"Now now, Shouldn't you be begging for your life?" He said, chuckling while tilting his head. The light coming though my curtain from the moon shines upon his neck as he move his head.

I audibly gulped.

"What's the matter? Cats got your tongue?" He continued after I gave him silence. I sat there still frozen. I can't bring myself to move, the shock has me paralyzed.

He took a step forward, coming further into my room while leaving the darkness. I started shaking, realizing I don't know what to do. His face became more visible and I seen nothing but an old ghost face mask the red liquid dripping down his mask and neck.

He took my continuous silence as an answer and stood there looking down at my frozen state. "Do you need some help falling asleep? I don't mind, really I don't." He said. The dried blood cracked around his collarbone as he tilted his head.

He reached into his pocket and that's when I sprung into action. I pushed away from the bed with my legs and ran towards the door. I had my back facing him but I heard the squeak of his shoes as he pushed towards me as well.

I got a hold of the door knob before his cold hands grabbed my wrists and covered my mouth.

"Don't scream. Mommy just came home, would be a shame if you make such loud noises. Won't you let her sleep?" His violating voice spoke into my right ear. I pushed my shoulder forward and turned my head to the left, trying to get his mouth as far away from my ear as possible.

I could feel his wet, warm hoodie pressed up against my back. He smelled of cologne and rotting meat.

My chest rose and fell over and over again trying to figure out what to do. Time felt like it was going so slow. A few hours ago I was just with Kai talking about this creep and now the creep has his hand over my mouth.

His grip around my wrists tightened and he took a step back, causing me to put my foot behind me so I don't fall. I followed his footsteps backwards till we were in the middle of the room.

"We're going to play a game, okay? Stay quiet and nothing will happen to your mom." He said, his sentence making my stomach sink. I nod quickly.

He roughly pushed me onto the bed, my head hitting the headboard. Wincing at the pain, I shut my eyes and once I open them again I see him standing at the footboard with what looks to be one of our kitchen knives. I take a sharp breath in and try to quiet my breathing.

I was able to take in his appearance in this time. He wore a white hoodie with the neck hole stained red from what looks like blood. His skin looked so dirtied. He had dark hair that looked like it hadn't been washed in a few days.

"What do you want from me?" I asked with a shaky voice.

My mom had been so paranoid she had a SOS mod programmed into my smart watch. I started tapping it, if I remember the code for immediate help, it would get the police on the way. My taps became sloppy as he stared at me saying nothing.

My watch buzzed, telling me they're on the way.

His head seemed to tilt a little before lunging at me with the knife in his hand. I panicked and kicked my legs out. It hit his chest but didn't seem to stop him in the slightest. He swung the the sharp weapon and I felt it graze my  left forearm. I felt the warm liquid pour out from the fresh cut.

I winced but didn't scream. I rolled off my bed and pushed myself up from the floor, darting for the door again. He got off from the bed and reached close enough to push me from grabbing the door knob.

I hit the wall and fell before trying to recollect myself and get back up. He kneeled on my leg, causing me to groan in pain from his weight being put on one spot. I held onto my arm to keep more blood from rushing out.

There was a bang outside of my room and blue and red lights flashed from the crack underneath my bedroom door. Both of our heads looked at the direction of the light and sudden sound.

"Police!" Was yelled by a women in what seemed to be the living room.

He looked back down at me. He laughed and sliced by other arm before pushing me away and heading for my bedroom window. Before I could yell for help, he was gone.

Word count: 1,143

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