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It was horrible trying to avoid Shane all day, Carl was very confused as to why I'd walk in the opposite direction whenever Shane came over to us, but he is way too young to know what was going on. I picked up my usual bucket and headed off into the woods while everyone did their chores.

I slowly looked around for any type of berries or nuts that we could eat. " Amber" I jumped in fright when Shane came up behind me, " Leave me alone Shane". " Let me explain" " Explain what?" I yelled as I turned to him, " How you fucked me, said all these romantic things, and behind my back, you were fucking my mother!". " Amber-" " I don't want to hear it, just go away!" I yelled, turning back around and walking deeper into the woods. Shane was still following me, till we were deeper into the woods than we had gone before.

I refused to listen to him to the point he grabbed me and pinned me to the ground. " Get off of me!" " No, not till you fucking listen!" He yelled.  " I'll admit sleeping with your mother was a mistake, okay? We were both grieving our best friend and we just ended up having sex, your mother isn't proud of it either". Shane grabbed my face, towering over me as my back hit a large rock. " But I felt sick whenever we did because I couldn't bare the thought of hurting you" " Shane we weren't dating" " No, but I want us to". " What?" " I'll admit at the start I was just in it for the sex, but now I want us to be more". Shanes's hand slowly made their way to my thighs, "Shane stop" I called as his hands slowly started moving up my body.

" But I fell for you, and I fell for you hard. I've never felt like this about anyone before". " Shane have you been drinking?" I asked calmly, gasping in fright when he grabbed my face with both of his hands, forcing me to look at him. " I love you, so you're going to keep being mine, okay?" I nodded my head, terrified of what he'd do if I tried to argue or fight with him. He leaned in and kissed me, his lips practically begging me to let him in, it was full of lust and want. " We should go" I whispered " No, we have time", " We have to be careful" " I said we have time!" He yelled. " Okay" I nodded, I got out of his grip and unbuckled my pants, Shane quickly doing the same to his pants.

We made our way back to the camp, my knees and hands all cut up and bruised from the branches and leaves on the ground. Shane went to his truck as I made my way over to mom and Carl. We suddenly heard a horn going off, and turned to see a red sports car driving up and parking next to the RV, Glenn hopping out. I ran over to Glenn and hugged him, " Glenn I'm so happy you're okay". He hugged me back and smiled before turning the alarm off, " We thought you guys were dead" " We would have been, but this new guy showed up and saved us. He's in the van with everyone else".

We watched as the van pulled up and everyone hopped out, going to their families. Carl started crying and I couldn't help but feel heartbroken looking at him, I hugged him as Mom tried to calm him down, " Helicopter boy, say hi" we turned our heads to see who the new guy was. My eyes widened as I froze in place before I followed Carl's lead and ran to dad, crying my eyes out. Dad was crying as he threw his arms around us, holding us as tight as possible before letting us go to hold mom. Shane came over and stared at dad " How are you alive?".

" I have no idea, but I'm so happy to be. I'm so happy I found my family" Dad cried, pulling the three of us into a tight hug. Maybe now that Dad is back, Shane will back off and leave me alone. I won't tell anyone, he's having some sort of breakdown.

We all sat around the fire that night, eating what little food we had while listening to Dad's story. How he just randomly woke up in the hospital, somehow made his way to our house, then to Atlantic City and back to our family in the mountains. The fire crackled softly as we all listened to Dad's story, only stopping when Shane suddenly stood up and made his way over to Ed's fire. " Ed, don't you think the fire is a little high?" Shane asked, " It's cold" " I get that, we're all cold, but we've been over this. It's for safety, can you please just lower it", " Fine" Ed growled.

" I'm gonna go to bed " I smiled " It's been a long day". " Where's our tent?" Dad asked, " You'll be staying with me and Carl's tent. Amber and Shane currently share one" Mom spoke up. Dad nodded at Shane " There's safety in numbers, thank you, Shane". I threw my arms around dad and kissed his cheek, " I'll see you in the morning dad" " I'll see you in the morning sweetheart, have a good night" dad smiled back.

I zipped the tent up and quickly took my shoes and socks off, my bra included. I let out a muffled scream as a hand clamped itself around my mouth. A large, hard chest pressed to my back as I let out panicked breaths. " Shhhh" Shane shushed me, whispering in my ear, " We don't want the camp to hear us". I shook in his grasp, his hands slowly making their way under my tank top, " My dad is back, we can't do this anymore" I spoke up.

Shane tightened his grip on me, I could feel every muscle in his body tense. " We'll just have to be extra careful then won't we?", " He'll kill you if he finds out" " I don't plan on telling him, do you?" Shane spat. I quickly shook my head no, " Good, now take your pants off and get on the floor". I did as he said, his eyes watching me the entire time as he unbuckled his pants. He had a creepy look in his eyes, his mouth slightly opened as he dropped his pants.

He suddenly threw himself at me, holding my mouth with his large hand as he shoved himself inside of me. I closed my eyes as tears started falling down my cheeks, Shane groaned in my ear, his hips smacking against mine roughly with every thrust he made. Shane had turned the light off in the tent, making sure nobody could see inside. We froze when we heard footsteps, two large shadows stood against the tent.

Shane tightened his grip on my mouth, his eyes warning me to be quiet as he slowed his pace down, but continued to thrust into me. " This is Shane and Amber's tent" Carl's voice came from outside, " Shh don't be so loud Carl, they're probably asleep" Dad's voice responded to my little brother. Tears rushed down my face, my brother and dad were right outside, they had no idea what was happening to me in here. " Should we wake them up?" " No, leave them be. We can talk more tomorrow, now it's time for you to go to bed".

Their footsteps faded away as Shane let out a breath, " Good girl" He smirked before he quicked his pace again, the sound of his hips smacking against mine making a small echo in the tent. I shut my eyes tight as I felt his cum inside of me, his groans coming to a stop. " Fuck that was amazing" he smirked, taking his hand off my mouth. He pulled himself from me and pulled me under the blanket, wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me into his body. " Night darling" He kissed my head before nestling into my side. I couldn't stop my silent tears, my body trembling under his touch.

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