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It was going to be dark soon, and we were far enough away from the rv that if we didn't leave now, then we would be stuck in the woods during the night. " Okay, everyone else, head back to the rv, Shane, and I will stay and look a little longer.", " I want to stay." Carl spoke up. " No, Carl, it's dangerous." Mom tried to warn him. " I don't care, Sophia is my friend," Dad sighed. " Fine."

" Fine? Rick, he is just a kid he could get hurt.", " He isn't gonna get hurt, I'm with him, and so is Shane. Nothing is going to happen to him, I promise.". Mom stared at Carl for a second before grabbing his face " You listen to every word your dad and Shane say, if you come back I hear anything happened then you'll be punished do you understand me?" " Yes, mom.". I pulled Carl in for a hug. " Be careful, Carl." " I will."

We all began walking our separate ways, Andrea turning to Glenn and me when Dad and Shane were out of sight. " So, how long has this been a thing?" She asked. " Don't start," Mom spoke up. " Leave them be they're just kids.", " They're adults, and I'm sure we are all mature enough to hear when they started having sex."

" I don't want to hear sex stories about my daughter, Andrea. Nor does she or Glenn look comfortable telling you.", " Alright, sorry, I was just trying to make the walk back more fun."

After a while of walking, we all jumped back when a woman on a horse jumped out in front of us. "I'm looking for a Lorri and Amber." The woman said." That's us, " my mom said, stepping forward. " You need to come with me. Your son has been shot." My eyes widened." What?!". " There's no time to explain you have to come with me. As for the rest of you, take highway three to my families farm, you can't miss it there's a mail box that says greene."

Mom and I jumped onto the horse and held onto each other as the girl who introduced herself as Maggie rode as hard as she could to get us back to her families farm. Once we got to the farm, mom and I jumped off the horse and ran inside the house. Mom ran into the room first and ran to the side of the bed. I ran in and stared at my little brother lying in the bed with small machines hooked up to him.

I let out a heartbreaking cry as I sat down beside my brother and held his hand. " There's too many people in here. Someone has to leave," an old man spoke up. " I'll go," I cried, leaning forward and kissing Carl's head before getting up and walking out the door.

I walked outside of the house, standing on the front porche when I saw Shane sitting on the steps. Shane stood up and turned around. He held his arms open and pulled me in for a hug as I sobbed into his chest.

Shane held me for until I had calmed down, then brought me for a walk to calm down a little more. Once we were far enough away from the house, Shane walked me behind the big red barn and grabbed my neck.

" You think you can fuck whoever you like?" He asked, " What?" I asked, fear in my eyes as I saw how angry he was. " You and Glenn in the closest, huh? How long has that been going on?". " It didn't mean anything. All we did was kiss," I choked out. " You expect me to believe that? Did he fuck you?" " No" I cried " Shane please."

Shane threw me to the ground and climbed on top of me. " No!" I yelled out, fighting against Shane as hard as I could. I kneed him as hard as I could in the dick, watching as he rolled onto the ground beside me, holding his dick in his hands. I tried to stand up and run away, but he grabbed my legs and pulled me down, dragging me underneath him.

Shane held my head against the ground hard with one hand while the other undid my shorts and pulled them off of me. " Shane, stop!" I cried out, the dirt underneath me turning wet. " This will teach you to fuck around with other men besides me." I cried as Shane shoved himself inside of me, his hand on my head gripping ny hair tight so if I tried to run he would pull it hard.

Shane pulled my shirt up, grabbing my tit hard, squeezing it as hard as his grip on my hair. " Who owns you?" He asked, grunting as he fucked me as relentlessly as he could, the harder he went the more I cried out in pain. " Who owns you?!" He yelled at me. " You do," I cried back. " Who is the only man who can fuck you?!" " You" I cried again.

The pain felt unbearable as Shane continued his assault on me. " Shane, please," I cried out. " You're hurting me"," I'm almost done. I closed my eyes tight when I felt Shane cum inside of me. He pulled himself out of me and smacked my ass hard.

" Glad we got that sorted out." He smirked, zipping up his pants and pulling me up with him. He zipped up my shorts and pulled my top back down before walking with me back to the house. I went over to Maggie, tears in my eyes, and bit my lip. " Maggie, you wouldn't happen to have a pad, would you? I think I started my period. " " Ph of course, upstairs in the bathroom to the right. We have some under the sink." " Thank you."

I made my way upstairs and locked the bathroom door, I pulled my pants down and held my mouth at the blood in my pants. I jumped at the knock on my door, " Amber, are you alright?" Maggies voice came through the door, " Do you have any underwear I could take? I think these ones are ruined. " " Of course, give me one second."

She knocked on the door again, I pulled my panties off and left them on the side of the sink so I could wash them. I opened the door slightly and took the underwear from Maggie, " Thank you, I'm so sorry for being a bother." ," Don't be, these things happen." She smiled.

Before I could close the door again, Maggie pushed her way in and walked over to the sink. I quickly shut the door as she turned to me with wide eyes, " That is not period blood, what happened?" She asked. " Nothing happened" " Amber, you can tell me, did somebody do something to you?" I shook my head and cried, feeling the blood running down my legs.

Maggie turned the shower on and told me to strip and get into it, I did as I was told, and she gasped at the bruise on my chest. " Amber, who did this to you?", " I can't say," I cried, sitting under the warm water. " I'm gonna get Patricia." " No! No, please don't tell anyone, " I cried, grabbing her hand. " Nobody can know about this."

Maggie stared at me. " It was that angry guy, wasn't it? Shane." I stared at her in surprise at how quickly she found out. " I'm telling your dad.", " No, Maggie, please, my family is already going through enough they don't need me on top of Carl." Maggie stared at me and sighed." Fine, but he is not to come near you. I won't let him. But I still need Patricia to check you out." I nodded my head as she left, crying under the water like an idiot.

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