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Hershel sat beside me as he took my blood pressure. I'd been bedridden for a week now, and the pain of the operation had slowly faded away. " Your blood pressure is normal. The blood transfusions have worked, and I am more than happy to get you out of this bed to let you walk around for a while.". I smiled at Hershel as he patted my legs before standing up. " Thank you, Hershel, for everything.". " It's no trouble. You are the only member I like.". He smiled before putting his medical equipment away. " How's Maggie feeling?" " A little sick, but that's to be expected from the transfusions. My daughter has taken quite a liking to you.".

" The feeling is mutal," I smiled. " Maggies, a great friend to me.". " She cares for you. I've never seen her take so easily to another person.". " So, do you want me to get out of bed now?" I asked, sitting up. " Woah, hold your horses. You had a major operation, and you will be getting help with everything. Sitting up, going to the bathroom, walking, sitting down. You will be doing nothing for yourself.". " I can't be a bother to everyone, Hershel.". " I won't hear a word against it. Doctors orders.".

Hershel took the covers off of me and helped me turn to put my feet on the floor. " On the count of three, we're going to get you out of this bed, okay? One, two, three.". On three, Hershel pulled me up while I pushed down my weight on my feet to help me stand. " I'm going to lead you out to the porch, then you are going to sit for five minutes before we go for that walk.".

I followed Hershel's lead and made it to the porch. Everyone turned to look at the door, and their eyes widened as they watched Hershel sit me on the porch swing. " I'll let you enjoy the fresh air.". He smiled before heading inside. I sat awkwardly for a moment, turning away from everyone's staring eyes to look at the morning sky. It had been a while since I saw it last.

" Amber?" I turned my head, Glenn stood awkwardly at the steps of the porch. " Can I sit with you?" I nodded my head as he slowly sat down beside me. Glenn stared at his hands before he finally had the courage to speak. " H-how are you feeling?" ," I'm okay,  I was in a lot of pain before, but Hershel worked his magic again.". " Good, good.". The silence surrounding us was suffocating.

" I'm really sorry, Amber. I was a dick to you, and you didn't deserve that. Making a baby takes two people, and I shouldn't have been so angry with you for it. I'm so sorry you had to suffer in so much pain and stay silent because you were scared our group would hate you for speaking up.". " You all hate me now, I get it. I'm the stupid girl in the group who got knocked up, I took the focus away from Sophia, and I pissed off everyone.". " That's not true.". " Carl told me you all called me a stupid whore. I know what you all think of me.".

" That was before Amber. We don't think that anymore.". Glenn tried to reassure me. " Did my near death experience change your views?" I asked, " No! I mean, yes. No!" He sighed. " Apparently, Hershel really gave it to Rick when we got back. He called a group meeting, and we sorted everything out. We all realised we were just angry and jealous.". " Angry and jealous of what?" I asked, confused.

" Well, Andrea was jealous of you because she wanted Shane. Dale hates Shane, so he was angry, I was angry because Dale had pointed out how mean Shane was to you. Carol was angry because she thought you took the focus off of finding Sophia, and Carl is angry at you because everyone's been fighting since your relationship and pregnancy with Shane were announced.". " Great."  I sighed. " Well, it seems like you all have everything covered." I gave Glenn a fake smile. " If you excuse me, I have a walk to do.". I forced myself to stand up and fell forward, grabbing onto the railing as I let out a small cry of pain.

" Amber!" Glenn quickly stood up and grabbed my waist. " Don't touch me, Glenn," I snapped, making him let me go. " I just want to help you Amber, you're my best friend.". " Maybe you should have thought of that before.". " Hey, Hey.". Daryl ran over and grabbed my waist. " It's okay, let me take you back inside.". I shook my head. " I'm going for a walk.". " Not in this condition you're not.". " Daryl.". I let out a yelp as Daryl picked me up bridal style and carried me back inside the house.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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