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Everybody seemed so tense, Glenn wasn't speaking to me, mom barely spoke to me, and the two assholes of the group, Dale and Andrea, kept giving me shit whenever they saw me.

" I don't know what to do, Maggie.", " Hey, everything is fine. So what if a few people are pissed off. They don't know what kind of situation you're in. They aint the ones who's pregnant.". " It feels like I've disappointed everyone, I feel so alone.". Maggie took my arms softly. " You don't have to feel like that. You are not alone. You have your family, you have me. You're my friend now, and I won't let anything happen, okay?".

I nodded my head and smiled. " Thanks, Maggie." I quickly wiped my eyes. " It's a big shock to everyone give them time they'll come around.". " Our groups problems just keep getting bigger and bigger. We still have to find Sophia, and now my dad won't let me help in the search.". " Maybe that's a good thing. Get you off your feet for an hour or so. You don't want to overwork yourself.". " I haven't even been able to look Carl in the eye and talk to him. I'm scared he's gonna be so confused and hate me.".

" You are his big sister, Carl might be confused and have mixed feelings about the situation, but he could never hate you, Amber. He's right outside, why don't you go talk to him.". I looked out the kitchen window, seeing Carl sitting on the porch by himself. " Okay, wish me luck.".

I slowly left the house and stood at the front door, staring at Carl silently. I took in a deep nervous breath and slowly sat beside him. " Hi." I gave him a small smile." Hi Amber, " He mumbled. " I haven't had the chance to talk to you in a few days, how are you?". " I'm okay, I guess." I nodded my head." That's good.". " Are you really pregnant?". I bit my lip and sighed. " I am.", " And Shane is the father?", " He is.". " How can Shane be the father? He's almost twice your age. " " He's thirty-seven Carl, there isn't that big of an age difference. But, I want you to know that Shane and I are both adults. We both knew the risk of our relationship before we started, okay?".

" But why Shane? Why did you have to pick him out of every guy that's ever thrown themselves at you. He's dads best friend. " " Carl. I didn't pick Shane. We-we found comfort in each other during a difficult time in our lives, and that comfort turned into more.". " Shane fucks you Amber, just like he fucked Andrea in that car two weeks ago.". My eyes widened at Carl. " Carl, don't talk like that, I'm your sister, and I'm trying to talk to you about the situation.". " I used to hear you, in the mountains. I didn't think it was Shane, but I'd hear the noises coming from your tent.". " I'm sorry Carl, I didn't know.".

" Do you know what everyone is saying about you?" ," No, but I know it's not good.". " Andrea calls you a whore. Dale and Glenn are trying to convince mom and dad that Shane rapes you. Carol thinks your situation with Shane is stopping everyone from looking for Sophia.". " I didn't know it was that bad, Carl. I'm sorry." ," You put us all in this situation. Fix it.". Carl snapped before he stormed off, leaving me shocked on the porch.

I sighed and made my way back inside. " Was it as bad as it looked?" Maggie asked." Probably worse. He told me the group thinks I'm a whore.". I smiled as the tears began to burn my eyes. " Maybe it would be better if I got rid of it?" I cried." Maybe I could somehow redeem myself to my parents if I did abort it.". " You and I both know that isn't how it works, darling.". " What am I supposed to do, Maggie? How am I supposed to go around my normal day if everyone in the group hates me or badmouths me. They all want me to get rid of it.".

" Dont," I jumped in fright, turning to see Daryl standing in the doorway. " This ain't none of their business. You found love in Shane, and you got pregnant. That happens to everyone. Don't let them scare you into thinking you gotta sacrifice this baby for them to be happy. This is your baby, and whatever you wanna do, I'll support you. I just want to say that if you keep this baby, I'll be by your side the whole time. I will protect this baby with my life just like I would do for you now.".

Amber GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now