Chapter 18-You Got Me

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Austin and Alex 😏. Put those two together and = Damnnn! Lol well comment lots guys and vote. Share too!!!

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I don't know how it happened or how I ended up here. All I know is that I was knocked out cold by a hit in the head. Now that I'm utterly awake I find myself inside a small room. So small I've come to believe it's some sort of closet.

Then it hit me like that crap that knocked me out, I was kidnapped. What the actual!?! That's when I began to panic. My butt was numb from sitting on this cold tile floor, the stench was enough to make me want to pinch my nose together but my hands were tied together to a pole.

"Help! Help! Please someone help me!!!" I began to yell at the top of my lungs but after waiting ten minutes without an answer I realised it was helpless. Who? Who would have done this?

Not again, just when I thought I was placed in a not so bad place I'm trapped against my will once again. It just keeps relaying in my mind how everyone even Zach began to run around frantically after a shot was heard. It all happened way to fast. I couldn't keep up. Wait, Austin.

Where is he?!?! Does he know I'm trapped? F.uck please find me before-

"Where's the girl Ron?" Asked a deep voice with a tint of an accent. Australian maybe?

"In here sir." Answered another male voice.

I froze and began to try and scoot myself back with my feet. I noticed I was in the exact same clothes which were barely anything. Crap.

The dirty door opened, it was so dark in the small closet that when light shined from the outside I had to squint my eyes to help adjust my vision.

"Hey." said the voice

I looked up slowly to be met with a very gorgeous looking blonde male with a very defined jaw. He almost looked model, fake, fantasy.

"I greeted you, it's rude to not answer bi.tch" he said lowly

I had to blink a few times to get used to someone speaking to me so harsh. Back with Austin, he didn't yell at me this way too often.

"I-I...h-hi." I whispered

"That's better." he smirked as he eyes my tan legs and then met my eyes after he licked his lips "Fuc.ken Mahone has always had great taste." he spoke

"P-please ...don't hurt me." I begged quietly
He walked in and shut the door behind him, his hand reached above his head turning on the light bulb above us. He's stature kneeled down to my level while holding onto the bottom of my chin bringing his face dangerously close to mine.

"Oh baby, I don't plan to hurt you. Only pleasure you." he then quickly leaned in and stole a chaste kiss from me.

I spit in his face in disgust at this perfectly looking man INFRONT of me. Of course my actions only brought pain toward me.

His hand collided with my left cheek making me spit out blood angrily.

"You're sick." I mumbled

"You don't know the least of it." he began to stand up "I'll have my men untie you and take you to my room." he smirked

"No. No, please I APOLOGIZE for my behavior but please-"

He snapped around again and placed his finger against his full lips, "Ssh, I promise you, you will enjoy it as much as I will." he winked walking away

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