Chapter 24-Torture

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A/N: listen to the song during the time she goes to the place with Sebastian.
Lol I was listening to all of Austins new songs like give me all of you, someone like you, places etc to inspire me wink wink

Enjoy :) comment and vote!!!


The moment I woke up was the moment I realized the person I had trusted with my life once had put me in the line between life and death. All just because I refused to go back with him to a place where my safety was not assured. But here I am, in Sebastian's arms feeling safer than ever. He's okay now and so am I, we had to have the doctor come over to check on us and remove both of our bullets.

Its been two weeks since the incident and let me tell you it's been a hell of a time here with Sebastian. For starters I found out Savannah was killed by Austin. Appearantly he couldn't trust her anymore after her sabotage. I don't blame Austin but I sure do as hell feel bad for her even though I did hate that bi.tch.

No one deserves to die.

Now Sebastian and I were cuddling on my bed watching Harry and Lloyd. You know the movie? Well to let you off with some idea of my status between us both, lets just say we both said our 'I love you's'.

Did I mean it?

I believe I do, yes.


Well it isn't so hard to fall hard for someone as sweet and careful and selfless as Sebastain. Anyone would instantly fall in love with him. Not saying I am, I just simply love him and can't see myself in anyone else's arms but his at the moment.

"Babe? So tonight there's this ball, I have a dress all picked out for you and I was wondering if you wanted to join me as my you know..." he trailed off nervously "My date?" He chuckled and squeezed my hand and kissed the top.

I giggled at his attempt at being cute.

"Well I can't say no when you've gone through the trouble to get me the dress baby." I say and kiss his cheek gently

He looks down at me and presses his pink lips against my own for a small moment before pulling away, "Thank you. I love you" he whispered

I twirled my finger on his bare chest under me, "I love you too, what time should I get ready?"

He checked his wrist watch and blinked a few times "Im going to say about now. I'll have the stylist come in to help you get dressed."

I nod but before he had the chance to exit the door I stopped him "Wait!" I called out making him turn


"What's this ball for?"

He frowns "It's simply business, I promise you if Austin is there I will protect you." he assured

However that didn't make me feel any better, I really wanted to say "yeah like last time?" But that's going to start a fight.

"So he might be there?" I choked

He sighed "Just go shower before Clare comes" he said referring to the stylist

I was about to ask more but he slammed the door shut. I winced but shrugged it off and simply went to the bathroom to shower. I didn't want to deal with this anymore. All I want to do was shower and get ready and have fun with my boyfriend. Woah...

Austin *

"Are you really going to sing for today's ball?" Zach asked shocked

I chuckled "Yes, Zach. I have no choice. Besides its for the charity fund. I may be a criminal but I still have a heart."

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