Chapter 1 - Fgod

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Sorry if the perspectives are wonky

Error, The God of Destruction, The evil within the multiverse, the enemy.

 Error, A friend, Loyal, Unwilling, Misjudged. 

He is perceived in many different ways, as many different things, a story to scare children, an unforgiveable killer, an enemy, evil, a friend, family, despicable, loving. Error has been each of those, he could be anything from another perspective. 

This Error, however, is amusing and while looking deeper it's sad he can get into some funny situations. 


Nightmares Castle 

Horrors POV

Error came over again! everyone always loves his visits, he makes us gifts and spends time with us all. He can't visit us all that often because he's busy with his job but he always makes the castle so happy. 

Right now he's on the couch knitting a doll for Killer, Killers sitting with him and ranting about all the stuff we did since we last saw him. 

"And then we covered the whole room in glitter-, Oh hey Horror"

"Hey Kills, Error" I responded, just before Error spoke we heard something clatter to the floor. Just before me and Killer could get a word out Error reaches down and picks his FINGER up off the ground and REATTCHES it with his strings. 

"WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPEND" Dust yells from the doorway.

"HOLY SHIT ERROR, DIDN'T THAT HURT" Killer was quick to follow with.

Honestly I think I just froze, I snapped back out of it when Error asked "Why are you guys so loud? its just a finger". 

"Error are you ok, why'd your finger just fall off  like that, you didn't even flinch" I said, I knew that he wasn't ok but I didn't think it was this bad. By now all of us were surrounding him, we were trying to figure out how he could just have that happen and be so casual about it.

"It was just a finger, is that not... normal?" Error questioned  

Errors POV.

I don't get whats wrong with these three, I can reattach my finger easily so whats the deal. And Why are they yelling about it, I'm perfectly fine. 

"Killer go get nightmare, now " Dust says, why are they getting Nightmare, isn't he busy. 

"On it" Killer says and then rushes up the stairs, I'm confused, why is this such a big deal?


"Yeah Error?"

"Why do you need Nightmare?"

"Because that was not normal"

"It wasn't?"



"YES REALLY" Horror tells me.

"But thats been happening for years" I'm genuinely confused, My fingers have been like this for long time, at least it wasn't my arm that came off this time, I would have had a field day dealing with that. 

"Whats been happening for years" Nightmare asks walking into the room, Killer not far behind 

"Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait, YEARS, FOR YEARS. And you haven't told us yet?" Killer says, next to Nightmare now, who seems more agitated now having not been told whats happening.

"WHAT am I not being told, the next thing I hear better be an answer" Well he's upset.

"My finger fell off is all, It's already been reattached, I don't know why they think its a big deal, It's been happening for a long time, I'm surprised that It hasn't been brought up yet" I explained to Nightmare, I hope he realizes that this isn't a big deal. 

"Your finger......fell off?" guess I'm not getting out of this one, I really don't see the issue here, ooooo I think this is the most surprised I've ever seen Nightmare since the time he found my puppet collection. 

"Did it hurt?"


"Are your hands ok?"

"For the most part"

"Is it from a recent fight?"

"Not really"

"Who hurt your hands" I think he's getting angry now.

"Ink slammed his brush down on my hands a few times, he thought that it could stop me from being able to use my strings and my fingers have been falling off ever since" Ha that failed, and it horrified him seeing my fingers all mangled and still fighting. 

"Give me your hand" Strange, he knows about my haphephobia and he still asked.

"I- I mean fine if you think its that big of a deal" don't really think I have much of a choice with the mood he's in. I lifted up my hand to him and let him look at the scars and cracks, when I looked up at him he seemed deep in thought. The rest of gang had also gathered around  with varying look of sadness or distress.

"It's really not that bad yo know, it doesn't even hurt anymore" curling my fingers into a fist then out again to show them. Its a sad attempt at cheering them up but I never said that I was good at it. Nightmare, who snapped out of thought when I moved my hand, let go and went back to his study, probably picking up a book from the library as an attempt to get healing magic to work on me. Horror went to the kitchen, probably to make dinner. Killer sat back down and while he looked like he wanted to talk more about the finger he  just sighed and continued with the story he was telling form earlier this month. I think Dust went back up to his room but I can't be sure, he seemed to be muttering to himself. 

I just started back on that puppet for Killer and listened to his chaos stories, I better get out of here before Horrors done cooking , don't want to worrying about my eating schedule, or rather the lack of.        


Whelp thats all I'm writing for right now, hope you enjoyed, let me know if you have any tips^^

935+ words

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