States that are no more

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This part will be about States that will never exist in Gracia Land. This Land is too proper to have states like these. Along with the explanation

First State-Ohio
Ohio is a state that should have nothing to do with Gracia Land. It is disgusting and should not exist in the first place. Like imagine not being able to have the moon, that is crazy, seems like a skill issue. Gracia Land shouldn't be known for such witchcraft and foolery. The amount of fakery going on in Ohio is a lot.(My friend won't allow me to curse sorry flesh bags) Gracia Land will not tolerate this kind of foolishness. Therefore Ohio must be eliminated from the map. F the potatoes.

Second State-Florida
Like Ohio this one explains itself. But just incase you didn't know I'll just say it now. The hurricanes are too much. Gracia Land should not be known for such natural disasters. Also FLORIDA MAN, what if he comes to the other states. I think not. Also I don't like the shape. If I don't like it the things gone. Florida is a L.

Third State-Alabama
Alabama not only supports incest but it's just trash. I don't care if you think your sister or cousin is hot, there personality is great I couldn't care less. Alabama is trash. Also there's too many a's and I don't like that. Alabama is another L. Also they have a LOT of roaches. So unless your that one girl on TLC who sleeps with cockroaches and lets them in her personal space(s) Alabama is not for Gracia Land. Alabama is a L.

Fourth State-North/South Dakota
I've decided to merge these two and delete them both because I want to. North Dakota is ran by a dictator and I don't want to think of a new name for South Dakota. So I merged and deleted both of them. They are both(maybe) L's.

Fifth states-Oklahoma,Arizona,Wyoming
I don't like them

Sixth state-Hawai
I'm only deleting the volcanos don't worry!
Hawaii is now spelled Hawai because there's to many i's

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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