Love You Deserve

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The little ginger had been in his home for a week by himself. He had just eaten what he could and he sipped water out of the faucet. He hadn't seen his mother since that night. Chuuya was dirty, his burns were peeling and infected, the bruises had only gotten more purple and yellow. Chuuya laid in the middle of the floor and he... he didn't want this life anymore. He was tired.

As he got older his mother only got more angry, unloving, and resentful. And Chuuya became so silent and lonely. And as an 8 year old child he was thinking of killing himself. Something no child should ever think about. Chuuya was looking out the window and he heard his mother rushing at him, Chuuya had truly forgotten about the bowl in the sink. It was so small, something so stupid; but his mother didn't see it that way.

"I told you to fucking clean up you mess didn't I?!?" She screamed.

Chuuya stood there for a moment. Trying to find the right words. "... I'm sorry... I forgot... I'll clean it now..."

His mother grabbed him. "You forgot?" She said angrily and she smacked him hard across the face. "You forgot?!?" She hit him again. "THAT'S YOUR EXCUSE?!?" She went to smack him again but Chuuya shoved her away, and when he broke free he ran. Chuuya ran to the front door and yanked it open, and she was hot on his trail. She grabbed him and Chuuya pulled away, making them both fall down the steps into their yard. A neighbor who was on her porch saw the mother hitting him. And she was hitting him so hard.

The woman jumped up and she ran across the yard. "OH MY GOD STOP!!" She yanked the woman off of him and other neighbors had already called the police.


The bitter woman yelled at her child who was lying unconscious. It took 20 minutes for the paramedics and police to arrive. The neighbor held his mother back and she didn't dare let her near Chuuya. When the police got there they handcuffed her and threw her in the police car, they picked up little Chuuya and put him in the ambulance and took him to the nearest children's hospital.


On the other side of town there was a man sitting there in his office typing up his next book. The man was very concentrated in his work, as he always was. He was a big shot millionaire in Venice, Italy. The man was originally from Osaka, Japan but his work had brought him to Venice, Italy when he had become famous from his first book Stories of Osaka Life. Yes, Oda Sakunosuke was living a life everyone had dreamed of, but today his life was going to be forever changed.

Two policemen were standing outside of his office and he could see his secretary point to him, before she walked over gently opening the door.

"Mr. Oda, these police officers are here and they said they need to speak with you."

Oda paused for a moment and put his computer in sleep mode. "Of course. Come in, come in. Thank you." He told his secretary before she left them alone.

"Hello, just wanted to confirm, are you Oda Sakunosuke?"

"Yes I am."

"And do you know Aria Nakahara?"

"Yes I do. She is my ex-girlfriend from a few years ago. Uh... I'm sorry, what is this about?"

"Well... today we had a child come in by ambulance. Domestic call, a mother was hitting her child on her front porch. Seems this isn't the first time she's abused this child. We checked to see if he had any immediate living relatives as his mother will be going to prison... Mr. Oda I don't know if you are aware but... that child is your son."


"I'm sorry I know this must come as a shock and-"

"W...Well what hospital??" Oda didn't hear anything else.

"We can escort you there."

"P...Please." Oda grabbed his coat and raced out with them.


When Oda had arrived he ran to the room they had told them where his son was. He saw a small child no older than 8, sitting on the bed with one arm wrapped in bandages and a cast and he had his arm in a sling, a patch on his cheek, and bandages on his head.

Oda walked in slowly, not wanting to startle him. "..H..Hi.."

Chuuya looked at him for a moment not knowing how to respond. Oda approached him but kneeled down to his height so he didn't feel intimidated.

"Chuuya is your name right?"

The ginger slowly nodded.

"...well hello Chuuya." He smiled. "My name is Oda Sakunosuke... I... I'm your father... little one... I am so sorry... I didn't know about you... if I would have known you would have been with me..."

Chuuya bit his lip. "...Y... you want me...?"

"Of course I do. I want you today and everyday."

Chuuya teared up and he started to cry. Oda's heart broke and he pulled his baby boy into his embrace, kissing his little face and just pouring all the love into him he could. He didn't know what Aria had put him through but he wanted to give his son happiness and the life he deserved, Oda swore he'd do that.

To Be Continued...

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