Bringing Him Home

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Dazai was sitting by the window and he was looking out into the neighborhood. It was a beautiful sunny day, and Dazai often enjoyed watching nature. Domi was washing the dishes that he just used to cook and he smiled at Dazai. "Lunch is almost ready baby okay?"

"Kay Mommy!"

Dazai turned his attention back to outside and he saw a moving truck pull up to his neighbor's house, Oda Sakunosuke, Oda had lived across the street from them for many years.


"Yes baby?"

"Is Mr. Oda moving??"

Domi came over and he looked at the moving truck. "Hm, I don't know, baby. Maybe?"

Domi and Dazai watched as Oda opened the trunk of the moving truck, inside was a whole bunch of furniture for a child, and they watched as a ginger haired boy walked around to where Oda was and was waiting on him. When Dazai saw the ginger haired boy his eyes widened, he thought that he looked ethereal, he had never seen someone so beautiful.

Chuuya stood there shyly as Oda started grabbing furniture.

" didn't have to get me new furniture.. Or toys.. I could have just kept my old things.."

Oda smiled as he bent down. "I figured you might like some new stuff, and new furniture that is more fit to your age. Is there anything wrong with Papa spoiling you a bit?"

Chuuya bit his lip. "... but it's your money... you don't have to waste it on me."

Oda reached out slowly so as to not startle the ginger, and he gently ruffled his hair. "It's our money... and I want to spend some on you."

Chuuya blushed and used his teddy bear to cover some of his face. How adorable, Oda thought. His son truly was his twin.

"C'mon baby let's get you inside and then I'll get all your stuff my love."

Oda took Chuuya's hand and he walked him up to the front door of his new home; Oda opened the door and Chuuya was in awe as he walked into the house. It was huge. When Chuuya walked in the first thing he was to his left was an office with double glass doors, when he walked a little further; he saw a kitchen to his right with granite counter tops, white cabinets, a huge sink, gas stove, pantry, and oven and microwave. It was lovely. Across from the kitchen was the living room, with white couches, a huge fireplace, a mounted 75 inch TV, and a cherry oak coffee table. Near the living room was a door leading to the backyard, and in the backyard was a playground. Chuuya ran over excitedly seeing it. Chuuya looked back at Oda.

"...C.. Can I play on the playground later?"

Oda smiled. "Of course. Do you like it? It's for you."

" is?"

"It is. It's all yours." Oda said smiling, and he walked over handing Chuuya the remote.

"You can watch cartoons while I put your room together. Do you want a snack?"

Chuuya shook his head. "Okay." Oda didn't push.

Chuuya got up on the couch, and he turned on the TV, turning it to cartoons.

Oda had all the furniture in the house and within 30 minutes, he arranged Chuuya's room. Within 3 hours everything was put together, and decorated.


Oda came downstairs to get him to show him his new room, but Oda smiled when he saw the child curled up on the couch sleeping soundly. Oda covered him up with the blanket on the back of the couch and he put a pillow under his head. Oda looked at him lovingly. He didn't understand how Aria could have been so cruel to him. How could she not love him, or feel anything for this child. Oda had only known him for a short time but from the moment Oda knew he was his, he loved him already.

Oda gently brushed Chuuya's hair back and he kissed his forehead softly before heading into the kitchen. Oda opened a web browser and he typed in Best Meals for Kids, one thing that Oda ended up seeing was spaghetti. Every kid loves Spaghetti right? But Oda was not the best cook. Oda looked out of his window to his neighbor's across the street, and he scratched the back of his head. Since Chuuya was asleep, Oda got up. He walked out the front door, and locked it. Going across the street and he gently knocked.

Daisuke opened the door and he smiled. "Hey Oda! What's up?"

"Uh... I was wondering if you and Domi mind helping me make spaghetti? My son... he's with me. And I don't really know what he likes honestly... but I think every kid likes spaghetti right?"

Daisuke chuckled. "One of my two kids' favorite meals. You're in luck. Dominique hasn't cooked yet. We'll grab the ingredients and head over yeah? Give us... mmm... 10 minutes!"

"Really? Gosh thank you! I'm hopeless when it comes to cooking anything but curry but I was worried it might be too spicy for the little one."

Daisuke nodded. "We've got ya. Be there soon."

Oda nodded and he thanked them and headed back across the street waiting for their arrival. Oda was relieved to see that when he came back in Chuuya was still sleeping. Oda was determined to make a meal that Chuuya would absolutely love.

To Be Continued...

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