Kat, Chapter Six

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Kat knelt before her Mistress, still in the bedroom. Only now, there was an assortment of ropes and cuffs laid out on her bed. Kat viewed them all nervously, looking to them, then to her Mistress, then to them. The ropes looked soft, oddly, and the cuffs were leather with soft fur on their insides, and there was a silken blindfold, and more. She didn't like their presence, but resisted the urge to flee.

Mistress Alexa evaluated the look on Kat's face, seemingly lost in some sort of deep thought, tapping her lips and humming softly to herself. Then, she grinned.

"You look nervous."

Kat swallowed, but neither said nor did anything. She simply looked up at her Mistress, then back to the ropes, then back to her Mistress, who softly chuckled and leaned forward, one of the rope bundles in hand.

"One of the reasons I purchased you is to have some fun, if you will. With these," she said, waving the ropes around. Kat winced, and Mistress Alexa must've noticed, because in a heartbeat, she was petting Kat and smiling gently at her.

"Nothing today, of course, but eventually. Unless you want some today," she said with a wink.

Kat paled and shot her a panicked glance, shaking her head.

"No? Well that's a shame," Mistress Alexa said, sticking out her bottom lip and pretending to pout. "You know, this kind of thing takes trust. So I get it. We don't have to rush anything, okay?"

Mistress Alexa crossed her legs, putting her toes right before Kat's lips. "One day," she said, "I will expect things of you. Demand them. To be bound by me, and for me, and to me. I won't ask you to take pain. But I will require things from you."

Kat winced and huddled down. It would start one day, she thought. That was what her Mistress was saying. That the violation would start one day. Just not today. Her Mistress watched her for a moment, as Kat sank slowly lower and lower, before she leaned forward and frowned, saying, "Let me tell you something."

She sat back and looked at the ropes, then at Kat. "Bondage isn't what you think it is. I'm not asking what you think I am."

Kat swallowed dryly and looked up, saying nothing.

Mistress Alexa shrugged and brushed her hair back with a hand. "Bondage isn't about putting another person down. Pinning them down. Raping htem. Bondage is about trusting someone else enough to surrender all of your power to them. To be helpless before them and trust them. This is what I expect of you. Your trust."

Kat grit her teeth anxiously, resisting the urge to gnaw at her fingertips. She expected Kat to trust her? That was absurd. Kat shook her head, but froze, realizing what she'd just done. A shudder crept up her spine, and it was all she could do to stiffen herself.

"Kat, sweetie," Mistress Alexa said, "I know you're nervous about it. I'm not saying that it will be any time soon. I'm just saying that it will happen. I'll win your trust, you'll see. I promise."

Good luck, she thought. A rare bout of confidence welled within her, and she let slip: "I don't trust you."

Mistress Alexa's eyes darkened. "'I don't trust you' what? You're forgetting something."

Kat locked her jaw and thought hastily. "M-Mistress."

Mistress Alexa's face softened, and a light returned to her eyes. "Good. And I understand, Kat. I really do. More than you know, I'd wager. I'm just asking that you give me a chance."

The confidence was fading. She needed to grip it, just a bit longer. Mustering it back up, she said, "Maybe, Mistress."

She saw a hand coming toward her, and backed away out of instinct. But Mistress Alexa simply sat her hand atop Kat's head and rubbed it gently. "That's all I need, sweetie."

Standing, Mistress Alexa hummed to herself and looked down at Kat. "We'll talk more later. For now, go do your chores. I'm sure Cobb is wondering where you are. I told him not to disturb us, but I know him. He's eager to get started."

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