Kat, Chapter Ten

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She was in darkness. The blindfold her Mistress had placed on her was silky and black, and blocked her vision completely. She knelt before her Mistress's bed, waiting, silent. There was a rustling to her right, a crinkling, though she couldn't tell what it was. It reminded her of the crinkling of wrapping paper on Christmas morning, all those years ago, when she'd been a child. When she'd been happy.

The rustling continued for a moment, before her Mistress said, "When is your birthday, sweetie?"

She thought for a moment. She had to think about it. It'd been so long since it mattered that she'd almost forgotten. "April twentieth, Mistress."

Mistress Alexa tsked. "Darn, we missed it. Well, either way, here you go. You may take off the blindfold."

Kat eagerly reached back and undid the small knot behind her head, pulling at the bow and letting the blindfold slip from her eyes. She had to blink to adjust to the soft morning light, her eyes a little blurry, but when they adjusted, she saw her Mistress sitting before her holding a small parcel on her lap, wrapped in blue wrapping paper that sparkled. Kat stared at it for a moment, confused, before Mistress Alexa reached out and handed it to her.

"Here you go. Wasn't sure what your favorite color was, but everybody likes blue," she said with a satisfied smile. "Go on. Open it."

Kat stared at the little gift. It was the first she'd gotten in such a long time that she almost wanted to give it back, to refuse. But she thought back to Cobb's words, how he'd spoken about disrespecting her Mistress, and decided against it. So, carefully, she began to peel back the paper in long, thin strips.

After some ripping, she finally saw a hint of fabric. Reaching in, she felt its softness, pinching it between her fingers and rubbing it. Quickly, she tore off the rest of the paper, a childlike giddiness rising within her heart. More and more, sapphire blue fabric began to show. She pulled it from the last of the paper, holding it up and examining it.

It was a small blue dress, tight-fitting, with a small little ruffle skirt that looked like it would go to her knees. It was a V-neck cut, with small sleeves on the arms that ended in gossamer fabric. She stared at it, a small smile rising on her face. It was beautiful. Truly beautiful. It shone in the light, sparkled. Kat stared at it, mouth agape.

Without thinking, she said, "Thank you Mistress, I love it."

Mistress Alexa giggled, saying, "I'm glad. I figured, well, since I didn't know when your birthday was, we might as well celebrate it tonight! So I got you this, and I'd like you to wear it to dinner tonight."

Kat lowered the dress and folded it on her knees. "Dinner?" she asked, looking up with doe eyes.

Her Mistress nodded. "I thought we'd go get something to eat. Tell me, what is your favorite type of food? Seafood? Mexican? Just let me know, and that's what we'll have tonight."

Instinctively, Kat's mouth started to water. She hadn't been to a restaurant in so long, and the thought of tasting restaurant quality food again made her stomach growl. It would be invigorating, she thought, to go to a restaurant.

"Seafood, Mistress. I love seafood."

Mistress Alexa patted Kat on the head. "Seafood it is. Make sure you get your chores done today first though, okay?"

"Yes Mistress," Kat said, nodding.

"Good girl. Now go on, go ahead. I know you want to try it on."

Kat stared down at it, then up at her Mistress. "N-Now?"

Mistress Alexa shrugged. "Sure, why not? I'll even close my eyes."

She did so, covering them with her hands, and added, "Alright, you're safe to change now."

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