The beginning

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clay beats and r*pes orel - it was so bad that orel ended up having to go to the hospital.

At the hospital Dr. Potterswheel was 'taking care of' the passed out Orel. "What did you even do to him this time, Clay?" Dr. Potterswheel asks,, "Oh you know, the ol' belting went a bit far!" "...Mhm..." Dr. Potterswheel decided to not ask further, as he knew that answer and didn't actually want to hear it... he just wanted to look at the young child's injuries... he has a gore kink. When Orel woke up Dr. Potterswheel told him to not change what's he's doing and to just take pain killers that he prescribed him. Orel nodded slightly, knowing he had no other choice.

When Orel and Clay got home, Orel immediately went as fast as he could to his room, sitting against his door, hugging himself and sobbing... Clay was annoyed by this, so he went to Orel's room again tried to open the door, which Orel pushed his whole body weight against the door to try and block him... which didn't work- Clay turned the handle and slammed himself into the door, causing orel to fly forward a bit, he landed on his stomach, facing away from clay. "Now that was very disrespectful, Orel." Clay sadly coldly as he picked up Orel who started to punch and kick trying to get away from him- Orel couldn't speak... He couldn't yell for his mom's help or anyone's help... he had to rely on himself- and... he wasn't strong enough.. Clay walked into his study with the flailing Orel in his arms, when they got in he closed the door and threw Orel onto the ground."You don't learn anything do you, kid?" clay hissed as he undid his belt. Orel in a panicked frenzy looked for anything he could use to defend himself or get anyones attention. He looked to his side and saw his dad's side table! it had a lot of empty glasses on it, that would be perfect! Orel used all of his strength to kick the table over, knocking it (and all the glasses) down. The glasses shattered loudly, which alerted bloberta, because she needed to clean it up. "WHY YOU LITTLE-" Clay yelled and whipped Orel, who cried out- he was interrupted by the study door opening. Bloberta scanned the scene.... Clay over Orel, both of their pants down with Clay holding his belt above Orel. Next to them was the table Orel kicked over and all the shattered glass on the floor. She didn't say anything, just closed the door and ran to the nearest phone to call the police on her soon to be ex-husband. Clay, knowing what Bloberta was doing, pulled his pants back up and redid his belt hastily as he grabbed ol' gunny from its mount. The police came quickly and went to Clay's study. They had their guns ready to fire, but so did Clay.... But instead of aiming the gun at Orel or the cops, he aimed it right to his own head. They told him to put his gun down, obviously... And clay didn't listen- one of the cops had to slowly inch his way over to Clay to pull the gun away from him- he accidentally shot it off, luckily nobody was hit but this caused Orel to start sobbing even more. Clay was soon handcuffed and taken away, obviously stripped of his mayoral role. And becasue it's Moralton, Orel didn't really get the help he needed. Almost everyone in school would now pick on and bully Orel for getting raped by his own father, they would make stuff up like Orel wanting it and enjoying it... which they clearly weren't true... Orel contemplated suicide a lot, but always decided against it because it would go against his religion adn he would end up in hell... but... wasn't he already going to hell? didn't he have premarital sex, and with a man, his own father! Orel felt very conflicted on it all and went to Reverend Putty for guidance, knowing that he would be able to help. Putty had already heard all about what happened, I mean everoyne did, Clay was the most important man in Moralton for fucks sake.

Clay rots in prison 💙Where stories live. Discover now