Orel in the Hospital 😧

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A/N - Sorry this took so long, I kinda didn't have motivation for this one 4 a while !! It's also a bit short and dialogue heavy, so I apologize for that 😭😭

Orel opened his eyes slowly. He looked around, he was on a bed in the hospital. He felt shape pangs of pain coming from every part of his body. He looked to his left and saw a boy with black hair sitting, wait. "Oh, you're awake-" Orel recognized the boy, it was Joe? "Boy those kids were dumb. They really messed you up..." Joe said.

"y-yeah... what are you doing here though-? shouldn't you be in school... or calling me dumb fag... or other mean names...?"

"Well I found you passed out, naked, in the boys bathroom. So I don't know, do you want me to?"

"oh... im sorry joe... im just so used to everyone bullying me because of what happened to me..." this worried and confused Joe, he didn't know what had happened to Orel...

"What do you mean?"

"huh? you... you don't know? did nobody tell you..?"

"You think people talk to me? They're all scared of me, it's so dumb. So what happened?"

"clay... he... he did what those boys did to me... a-and I got him caught... he's in jail now... but... everyone makes fun of me.. they think I wanted it!!" Orel began to sob at the traumatic memories.

"Really?! That is so dumb!! The same thing happened to my mom. And that's why she had me. I hate my dad. And I hate your dad too! I hope he dies like my dad will."

"joe-!! y-you can't say that-!"

"But look what he's caused! You can't even walk properly because of that dummy." "oh... i guess you're right..." Orel remembered the hunting trip.

"but thank you joe... who knows if anyone else would even care enough to help me..." Orel lets out a sad chuckle.

"You're welcome Orel. If those dummies ever even lay a finger on you again I'll kick 'em into next week!" Joe tells Orel.

"You don't have to-"

"Of course I do! Only I get to beat you up, dummy!" Joe doesn't fully understand why he's being so defensive over Orel. Orel let's out a small chuckle at Joe's tone, "I'm being serious!"

"Oh I know Joe! It's just you're really cute..." Orel meant this in a platonic way, but Joe clearly didn't, seeing as his face turned red.

"You... Think i'm cute? I'll make you eat your words Puppington!" Joe threatens.

"Eat my words? How does that even work..? I've never heard of someone eating words before.... Also it's Hymentacht now-"

"Um... Orel it's an expression- It's not meant to be literal."

"Oh... Sorry Joe.." Orel looks down

"It's alright Orel."

"How did you even get in here anyways? A-And shouldn't you be in school..?"

"My mom let me in, she's pretty great. And school's been out for hours, Orel. Just like you."

"Oh, jeez I guess I have been out for a while... But I'm kind of sleepy... What time is it?" Orel asks with a yawn, Joe looks at his watch.

"It's 8 pm. I guess it's pretty late. I should head out, and get good rest, Orel. Don't let those dummies make you have nightmares!" Joe waved as he left. Orel waved back, when the door clicked shut he sighed, shutting his eyes. He focused on his breathing as he tried to remain calm, not wanting to go into a flashback of what had happened to him today. Soon enough, he fell into a deep slumber full of traumatic nightmares.

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