Clay meets his cellmate

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"Aren't you.... Cecil Creepler?!" Clay is disgusted by the thought of being in the same room as him "And you're Clay Puppington. The Mayor. What are you doing here?" Cecil narrowed his eyes, he was suspicious ".....Former Mayor." Clay corrected Cecil. "Well... It's a long story...." Clay laughed nervously "I've got nothing but time, and from your responses, I can assume you do too." "....Yeah. Well, um. You've met Orel before, right? He was Doughy Latchkey's friend." "Doughy..." Cecil blushes a little from hearing the name "Orel helped me... Get closer to Doughy.... What about him?" "U h-" clay was uncomfortable from Cecil's reaction, but feels like he can't be one to judge. "Yeah. Well... I abused him since he was..... about 4. And more recently, ever since my wife stopped doing anything sexual with me, I got... Hungry, we'll say. And... I....." Clay just.. Stared at his own hands, he can't believe he did that.... what has he become.... "i molested him..." he finished quietly. Cecil just looked at him with an amused smile "Really?! Gosh you are pathetic." "And you're one to talk, Mr. serial rapist." "Mhm. From what it seems, you had a perfect life! You had a wife, kids, and you were the Mayor! And you threw it all away just because you couldn't keep it in your pants." "Like you would know the living hell my life is." he hissed. Cecil just laughed at this "Whatever you say. Can't wait to break you in in the showers~" "Ew! What the hell?!" Clay said in disgust "Hmm... Or maybe when you sleep would be easier, hm Clay~?" Cecil leaned towards him- Clay tried to get as far away as possible "I cannot believe I am stuck with you for the next 35 years of my life." Clay said with compete disgust

Clay rots in prison 💙Where stories live. Discover now