Clay's Heaven and Hell

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Clay sat in the chair, he was sitting across from Danielle. Once he saw it was Danielle he couldn't even look him in the eye.

"Hey, Clay, I read what happened."

"yeah... if you're here to yell at me i already do enough of that to myself."

"Oh, no, I couldn't. I wanted to know how much your bail was, if you were given one."

"It's 40 grand. I have the money but I don't deserve to get out without serving my time. What I did was terrible and inexcusable."

"We both know that isn't the reason you're thinking, Clay." Danielle said, lightheartedly

"....i don't have anywhere to go if i'm free. everyone knows what i did and who i really am now. i could go to my father but i'd rather kill myself then go see him again."

"hm.... who ever said you couldn't come with me~?"

"really? after... everything that's happened?" clay is really shocked in all honesty.

"Well it hurts to see such a pretty face be stuck in this place for so long~ Someone else could already have they're hands on you, Clay," Danielle says in a sensual tone.

"I- well... Youre half right- That Creepler guy is freaking me out. Keeps telling me how much he wants to rape me..." Clay cringes a bit "And I *share a cell* with him-" he cringes harder

"Oh... Well you better not let him get to you before I do~" Danielle winked at him.

Clay chuckled a bit, "I'll try my best for you, Danielle," he smiled a bit

"Good boy, Clay." Danielle praised, Clay blushed.

Soon enough they're time was up and Clay was sent back to his cell. Clay was trying to hide it, but he was getting excited thinking about Danielle.

He sat on his bed, trying to suppress the thoughts, he held his head in his hands as he pointed his knees towards eachother.

"What's on your mind?" He heard the other man question, Clay just shook his head in response. "Come on, there has to be something bugging you." Cecil sits next to Clay and wraps his arm around him, who is too focused on not being turned on by the thought of Danielle to stop Cecil.

"It's just my.... Friend. He came to visit today and he wants to help bail me out. I can't stop thinking about him."

"Hmmmmm.... I think I know exactly how to help with that..." Cecil moves his hand  down clay's back and slips it into the back of his pants

.What the?! No! Get off me!" Clay snaps back to full consciousness and pushes Cecil away and gets up, putting his hands infront of his crotch, hiding his hard-on.

"Aww... Clay....~" "No. I'm not yours I'm Da- I mean I'm not interested."

"Fine..." *Cecil sighed and gave up, for now.


"LIGHTS OUT." a guard called as the lights began to turn off.
Clay got into his bed and dozed off pretty quickly. Cecil, however took this as an opportunity. He got up and went over to clay, put his hand over clay's mouth and took off his own pants, then took clay's pants off.

Clay blinked his eyes open and saw this man over top of him, hand over mouth. He tried to struggle but Cecil held him in place. He started to molest the man. Clay was forced to stay quiet to avoid alerting the guards and making Cecil do who knows what else to Clay.

"Who knew the mayor would be this tight~" Cecil whispered into his ear. This went on for what seemed like the whole night for Clay.

Clay rots in prison 💙Where stories live. Discover now