the fight

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Summary:robin wasn't having a good day and he got into a fight
Genera:a angry finn

Robins POV
I wasn't having a good day.
I was angry I didn't get a lot of sleep which is uncommon for me and couldn't deal with the idiots that keep picking in Finn! I was in math with fin I really hate this class it's so boring! And it has no use! I really wanted to ditch but than I would get suspended and Finn would get mad at me and so would my I had no choice but to try to pay attention I got bored so I took my pencil and poked Finn with it  "what the heck rob!" Finn semi yelled at me  I smirked at him and looked down at my bank sheet of paper that was supposed to be filled with notes but I don't care!
(After math calls ended)
I walked down the halls that filled with kids trying to get to their classes I had Spanish this period but I just skipped bc I literally know it already and I'm passing that calls anyways so the teacher wouldn't care I went upstairs to a bathroom it was broken and no one ever used it so it was perfect for me and my friends to hang out there. I walked in and was met with 3 faces they belonged to my  best friends (there is no dating in this)

"hey Rob!" Fin said while hugging me I hugged him back

"hey shithead" Vance said while ruffling my hair

"hey robin" Bruce said while smiling. The bell rang it was the last bell of today! That meant now we can go home we all looked at each other and smiled we walked out of the old rustic bathroom and made our way to the front doors of the school we were in the parking lot heading to Vance's car when  Finney let out a yelp and fell to the ground

"what the fuck!" I yelled while running over to him I knelt down his head was bleeding..

"Finn! Wake up!" I begged shaking my best friend Vance came over "

"who the fuck did that!" He yelled looking around the area I looked to I spotted Matty who was standing and laughing at fin that made my blood boil all I saw was red my body was on auto pilot I walked over to him

"who the fuck do you think you are!?" I yelled him

"what? Mad that I hurt your little fair boyfriend" Matty said with a smirk that was it.. I lost it
Narrator POV
Kids were screaming out of fear some were screaming the words 'fight!' while others were filing what was happening robin was on the ground beating the shit out of Matty he was mad all he saw was red he kept punching and kicking "HELP!" Matty yelled at robin punched him in the face a sicking "CRACK" could be heard after "holy shit! Robin!" Vance yelled pulling his friend of the beaten up and bloody Matty who was passed out, normally Vance would like this he hated the kid to but anymore robin would've killed him

"come on we have to go" Vance yelled at he dragged robin to his car robin looked down at his shaking knuckles they were stained with mattus blood

"robin! You dumbass!" Finn yelled at he slapped robin across the face robin just sat there shoken up a lil bit immediately rubbing his cheek and smiling

"hey Finn.." robin said smiling sheepslay  Finn just sighed and rubbed his temples

"you could've gotten hurt!" Finn scored robin he was pissed at him but also worried

"I know.. but they were talking bad about you and I couldn't stand it" robin said looking down he felt Finn hug him

"I know but no more fights ok?" Finn said

"I can't make promises" robin said smiling Finn smiled back as so did Bruce and Vance who were watching the whole thing unfold 
Robin never promised to stop getting into fights...

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