only you babe

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Bruce yamada was walking down the sidewalk in north devener with a his boyfriend Vance Hopper
Bruce loves his boyfriend with all his heart Vance was the best thing that had ever happened to Bruce. Bruce knew vance loved him back but Vance was always flirting with other people.

"Hey Vance..?" Bruce asked his boyfriend he needed to know the truth on what Vance was doing and did he actually love Bruce?

" Yes babe? And why did you call me Vance you always call me babe?" Vance answers Bruce now he was confused and a little worried on why Bruce called him by his first name

"Do you actually love me?.." Bruce asked his boyfriend he was scared of the answer

"Of course I love you!" Vance said back he semi yelled it

"Then why are you always flirting with other people!?" Bruce yeller back he was crying now he wanted to know his boyfriend loves him or it was just a sick joke

"What do you mean!?" Vance asked he didn't know what Bruce meant

"What do I mean!? Your always flirting with other people!" Bruce yelled at Vance

"Really?! Name one time I flirted with other people" Vance said back

"Gladly" Bruce said

"When we went to the party a month ago it was it a week ago? I can't remember but you siad you would be right back it was 20 minutes after you said it so I went looking for you and I found you another out with another girl!" Bruce yelled at his boyfriend he was full on crying now

"I was drunk!" Vance yelled in his defensive it was true he was drunk at that party

" Mhm yea whatever well maybe if you still getting drunk you wouldn't flirt or make out with other people!"  Bruce yelled back he really wanted the old Vance back the funny Vance the protective Vance not yeh drunk Vance who would make out with other people

" Do you really love me?" Bruce asked all his angry turned into sadness

"Only you babe" vance said as he hugged his crying boyfriend he was also tearing up
Sorry this was short

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