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Sorry for not posting!

Vance Hopper and finney Blake were close.
People would always be confused on why the top schools bully was hanging out with Finney Blake, the nerd.
Finn was a year younger than Vance.
Vance always saw Finney as a little brother so he always wanted to protect him.

He couldn't protect Finn This time..  

Finney Blake was tired... He was so so tired..  
Tired of getting called names..
Tired of getting beaten at school 
Tired of getting beaten at home..
Tired. That's all he was tired.

Finney tried to go to sleep. He tried everything to fall into a deep sleep.
He couldn't even close his eyes without the terrible nightmares coming to get him.
Finney gave up trying to sleep.

Kids liked to make fun of Finney.
Finney was either too 'fat' or too 'skinny'
It was never good enough.
Nothing was ever good enough.. 

Finney didn't know what he did. He didn't know what he did to make his dad so angry.

But bad things happen to good people..

Vance couldn't protect Finney this time.. 

Finney alid in the cold tiles of his bathroom floor.
  blood staining his clothes and the pearly white tiles.
Finney was tired
He tried to keep his eyes open long enough.
He didn't know what he did...
He came home..then everything went south form there.. 
Finney wanted to get out of the house.
That house didn't feel like home.
Finney took the last bit of his strength to reach for his phone and call Vance.
Vance wasn't doing anything. He was just sitting in his bed scrolling through his phone.
He didn't really think much of today.
He didn't know..

Vance was about to put his phone down when he had gotten a call from Finney.
Vance started to worry, you never know what happens when Finney calls you.

"Finney? Are you ok?" Vance asked worriedly. Panic growing inside his chest.

"..."  Silence..



"Finney!? Are you ok??"

"No... H-help"

"I'm coming over"
Then the line went dead...

Vance made it to the blakes household in a matter of 5 minutes.
Vance signed through the front door not acting of the older man was in the house. Luckily he wasn't home. 

"Finney?" Vance called out for the younger boy. He looked around the whole house till he found the bathroom door creaked opened 

"Finney?" Vance asked again slowly opening the door.
Vance was horrified at the sight... Finney was on the ground bleeding.. the white tiles now stained dark bloody red..

"Finney!" Vance yelled he crouched down next to Finney checking for any major injures

"Vance.." Finney breathed out. His voice hoarse form all the screaming and begging for help.

"Hey.. it's ok I'm here now.." Vance and tears forming in his eyes.

"Im tired.." Finney said he winced as he spoke.

"You can sleep now.. it's ok.." Vance said pulling Finney into his lap

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