the party pt.2

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Finney was more than happy he was overjoyed that he gets to go to his cru- best friends house aka robins house.
In order to be at robins house in 5 minutes he would have to run like really really run and that's what he did.

"Hey finn!" Robin said smiling as he saw his best friend at his porch step

"H-hey rob!" Finn said he was out of breath

"Holy shit did you run here!?" Robin asked he was now worried for his cru- best friend

"Y-yea" Finn said trying to get as much air he can in his lungs

"Come inside I'll get you some water" robin said smiling as he dragged Finn inside 

"How much do you bet they will get together" robins uncle said

"20 bucks tommow" his friends said smiling

"60 bucks tonight" robins uncle said smiling evilly

As robin said he got Finn his water

"You brought your swimming trunks right?"
Robin asked Finn

"Yep" Finn said lilled them out of his bag he was carrying

"Perfect get changed and meet me outside" robin said smiling as he walked upstairs to change

(After they were changed)

"Let's go!" Finn said happily as he and robin walked outside to robins pool

When robin had said family gathering Finney thought like 10 people nope there were like 50??

"Hey Finn" robin said Finn could hear the evil in his voice

"Yea-" Finn said but stopped when he saw robin holding a water gun

"Oh it's so on" Finn said evilly as he picked up his own water gun

"Water gun fight!!!!!" Some little kid screamed all the kids in the pool stopped what they were doing and grabbed a water gun

(After multiple people getting pushed in the pool and crying kids)

"That was os much fun!" Finn said he was drenched but laughing it made robin warm inside

"I know!" Robin said smiling but that smiled turned into a scowl as soon as he saw his cousin Olivia. See, Olivia was 13 like robin and a lot of people would say she was pretty but no she always tried to get with robins friends

"Hey robin!" Olivia said smiling but now a happy smile more like a ' I'ma try to get with your friend and I hate you smile'

"Who's your friend?" Olivia said as she walked closer to Finn

"Um... I'm Finn?" Finn said he was really uncomfy with Olivia being that close

"Listen Olivia you stay away from my friend ok!" Robin demanded Finney frowned at the metion of 'friend'

"Sure whatever" Olivia said then walked away

"Hey don't let her get to you ok? Let's just get some snacks" Finn said trying to lighten up the mood

"Sure" robin said smiling at Finn
The two boys walked over to the table where robins mom was giving out snacks

" oh! hola finney! roboj taljs mucho sobre ti ¿cómo estás?" (I don't take Spanish so if I got anything wrong please tell me)

"Mamá  no digas nada!" Robin said flustered to his mom, Finn just stood there confused as fuck

"Ah.. ok here" she said smiling as she handed both boys snacks

"Thanks!" Finney said with a smile

"ahora veo porque te gusta him" (I don't know if this is right, it's suppose to say now I know why you like him)
Robins mom said smiling it made robin smile too

"Hey Finn let's go to my room" robin said he was blushing like crazy

"Sure!" Finn siad with a smile
Both boys were about to walk into the house when they were stopped by Olivia

"Hey Finn!" Olivia said smiling it made robins blood boil

"Hi?" Finn asked confused this girl was really getting in his nerves

"Wanna go on a date sometime?" Olivia asked smiling robin looked ready to kill her and Finn just stood there confused 

"Escucha, perra, aléjate de él!" Robin yelled it's like the whole party stopped people were surprised at robins out burst whispers started going a round like wild fire

"O que? ¿Me vas a pegar?" Olivia said with a smug look on her face robins fist clenched

"Come on robin she's not worth it" Finn said dragging robin away from his evil cousin 

(Time skip brought to you by molly :) )

"Hey fin.." robin said breaking the silence


"I-i love you!"

"W- I love you too!"



"Told you now hand me that 60" robins uncle said smiling evilly to his friend

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