Chapter 3 - A New Form

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When Adora woke up, she found herself in a laboratory.

Or at least she thought it was.

Her vision was still blurry, so it took her some time to focus.

Suddenly, through the ringing of her ears, she heard maniacal laughter.

A shadowy figure loomed over her, most likely her own father.

That's when her senses suddenly came back to her.

Her entire body hurt, it was as if there were dozens of needles piercing her body.

"Her senses are now fully active, doctor!" said Orbot as he checked the monitor.

"Welcome back, my dear!" said Eggman with a sinister smile on his face, "My apologies for drugging you, it was the only way I could get you to comply."

"W-What did you... d-do to me...?" croaked out Adora, trying her best to talk through the pain.

"Ah, your vocal cords seem to be working as well!" said Eggman, completely ignoring her question.

"W-WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?" Adora yelled out.

"Oh, right, I haven't told you yet!" said Eggman.

He then cleared his throat and began to explain the situation.

"You see, I recently found out that my nemesis has been keeping watch over me. So I decided, why don't I spy on him as well? But, of course, I can't just send one of my robots since he would just destroy it. That's when I had an idea. I would make my own Mobian and send them off to spy on them! It was my most brilliant plan yet!"

Eggman began to do his evil laugh again, then cleared his throat and calmed himself down.

"But, there was something I needed in order to truly make a Mobian. Something all living things need to truly be considered alive..."

He leaned in closer to her.

"A human soul..."

Adora's eyes widened as the realization hit her.

She looked down at her new body, seeing that the transplant had already been completed.

She was short, almost as short as a human child would be. Her body was covered in brown fur, about the same color as her fur. Her proportions were shaped differently, as if she was like a cartoon character. She was also wearing nothing but a pale green tunic.

She began to panic, but then Eggman spoke up

"I wouldn't move around so much if I were you..." he said, "Your Mobian body is still new, so you need to let the serums do their thing..."

The sharp pain all over her body finally made sense now.

There were needles stuck in Adora's arms and legs, inserting different colored liquids into her new body.

She looked back at Eggman, who was giggling to himself as if he had something devilish planned for her.

"I'm going to have so much fun torturing you..."

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