Chapter Two: What in the Reese pieces peanut fuck is going on, lets rewind

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When I said I was going to post every single week I wasn't lying. :)

 Rewind: "How about my payment of 70,000 Mora for taking care of you?" Of course, it actually cost much less than this (4,000 mora) , but Ayato had to create it that way for him and him alone. Ayato was aware that they were unable to pay it, even if they wanted to. Thought it was impolite, yet it might assist Ayato and possibly Itto. Itto and Kuki were horrified to learn of the terrible price they would have to pay. They both appear terrified and powerless. Ayato found it mildly amusing, but he restrained himself from laughing.

  Ayato offered them a good smile, hoping Kuki wouldn't be attempting to persuade Itto otherwise this was going to be difficult. "But there is a method to pay me back without money, It would be a bit annoying to do but it might assist the both of us," he said. Kuki stared at Ayato bewildered as he began to whisper to Itto with a grin on his face. But Itto was beaming with pride and joy.

     "Obviously, I will! Arataki "The one an Oni. Itto will assist you with all of your issues. Itto posed, Ayato gave a brief round of applause, and sweet old Kuki appeared to be about to pass out. What's the issue, Anki? Itto's nickname was now Anki, or Aya; it was a little odd, but it was Itto. He re-started to recline on the now-untidy futon. Ayato gave them his usual phony smile, which was attractive to Itto but a little frightening to Kuki.

   "You only have to pretend to be my partner for me in order to stop people from asking for my hand in marriage and to give me a break. And you would benefit from improved treatment of Oni and less animosity from the Inazuma populace "Ayato believed he did a good job of delivering the message, but Itto, Kuki Shinobu, and an astonished Ayaka all disagreed with their faces.

     "What in the Reese's pieces peanut butter fuck is going on here! Can I get a rewind?" She screamed at the top of her lungs, it wouldn't be an overstatement to say that you could hear her from Inazuma city. It was loud enough for Thoma to come running in with a very worried look on his face,

    Is something going on, is everyone okay? Ayato groaned,

    "It's simple, Itto will have to fake being my partner for me, so I can stop getting my hand asked in marriage and for me to get a break. And for it would help Oni's to be treated better and get less hate from the Inazuma people," Thoma's mouth was wide open with shock.

     "Ayato, what the fricking fuck!" Thoma said,

     "Are you fucking stupid!" Ayaka said,

    "I am 99.9% sure that this man is high," Thoma said,

    "There is know way in the entire Teyvat will my boss be do-" Kuki started before Itto moved her out of the way,

     "Sure, Itto said, his smile was gone but the happiness was still in his eyes. This was very surprising, Ayato though that he would push for him to accept. Everyone looked at him like he was insane (which he might be). Kuki looked very confused and fearful, she was fuming,

     "Itto, WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU SAY OKAY I'M AT A FUCKING WORDS!" Yet, despite being at a loss for words, Itto was screamed at for 20 minutes straight. Ayaka, Thoma, and a grinning Ayato all looked at each other, Ayato was beaming with happiness and glee. Meanwhile, Ayaka and Thoma were completely grossed out. 


 After an hour of yelling and lighthearted fighting, Kuki, Ayaka, and Thoma all exited the room. The energy was no longer conformable because Ayato and Itto were alone. Itto's hand was gripped by Ayato as he walked over to his bed. What the heck is he doing? Itto asked, his face turning as blood-red as his horns. Itto exhaled heavily as Ayato drew nearer to his face.

    "Itto?" Itto gave a nod. "I want to talk to you about the rules of our pretend partnership," Itto froze; he had not previously considered this;

    Itto sighed wearily, his energy having dropped from 100 to zero due to the screaming he had done earlier.

   I. Small kisses on the cheek and lips in public are allowed since they give the impression that the couple is in a committed relationship. II. Small physical contact like hand holding and hugs are also acceptable, as is sharing a bed. Itto wanted to object, but Ayato covered his mouth and spoke nonetheless. "And third, obviously, sexual actions and sex itself will be permitted," This is when Itto became irate with Ayato.

    Why on earth would we have to do that? Itto's face became flushed once more at the thought of him and Ayato doing that. "Nobody seems to be watching," Itto averted his gaze from Ayato so he wouldn't notice their fleeting bliss.

     "It's not difficult to see that everyone has desires, and if we ignored them, they would become suppressed. Additionally, it would be horrible if we were fucking other people while in a "relationship," wouldn't it?" They waited in silence for a moment before Itto realized that Ayato was looking for a response, but he refrained from grinning near her eyes.

     I'm exhausted, so I think it's good night. Ayato grinned and kissed Itto on the lips quickly.

     "Okay, good night. I would normally sleep with you, but you're recovering, so it's okay. Call Thoma if you need him, and he'll take care of your needs." He received one more kiss from Ayato before she went. His face turned as crimson as possible, and he began to lose control of his emotions as he tried to process what had happened. Ayato gave me a kiss. Itto stroked his lips and mumbled. Even though it was a brief kiss, Itto was able to taste it, and it had a bittersweet flavor.



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