Chapter 6: Love is Good for No One

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Rewind:  "What is wrong Miko?" The streams of Electro stopped with the start of her concern, "And what happened to your face?" Yae Miko smiled, though she loves to gaslight, be rude, and destroy relationships, yet when it came to Ei. She would rather stay in her fox form and curl up in her lap and stay there forever. Hmm, maybe Kokomi was right, love is the best feeling In all of Teyat.


     Ayato ran through the back alleys of Inazuma, trying to find his lover. After 10 minutes of non-stop running, he found the little hut with the big Oni in it. There was no way he planned on sleeping in the sticks that he called a hut. He could tell that Itto was faking being asleep, after all, Itto sleeps with his eyes open. But, it was clear that Itto didn't want him there anyways.

     "Itto, Yae told me what she told you. Never believe a single thing that comes out of her fox mouth, okay? I understand that you are unhappy at the moment but come back to the mansion when you feel better," Ayato sighed and started to walk away before Itto grabbed him by the sleeve and put him in the "hut",

     "Are you sure, Anki?" Ayato took a good look at Itto, there were tear stains on his and more on the way. "Are you sure, Anki? After all, I mean nothing to you, right?" tears ran down his cheeks. Ayato grimmest, he hates when anyone cries, but Itto's crying made his heart hurt. Ayato leaned in kissed his cheeks and wiped the tears off his face. The two of them sat in silence for some time, then they moved slowly into a hug before Itto started crying once again. Though Itto is an adult, times like this make him feel like a child,

     "Come on Itto, let's go back home," Ayato stood up and pulled Itto up with a smile.

     "Home?" Itto questioned,

     "Yep, Home," Ayato answered,


     Itto and Ayato walked through the streets of Inazuma hand and hand. People were all over the couple, most in a bad light, Some spit silent curses at the Oni in fear of what the person next to him. Though Itto has heard this all before, somehow it hurt more getting told off, they said things like Oni lover, disgrace, and a monster whore. It could feel Ayato's hand grip tighter, he leaned in kissed Itto on his cheeks, and whispered in his ear,

     "Do you want me to kill them?" Itto's eyes widened as he heard those words. Suddenly, Itto remembered all the people that have called him names and hurt him whom he never saw again.

     "Anki, I don't think that's important and doesn't need to happen," Ayato sighed and murmured something under his breath. As they entered the woods a wooden arrow struck Itto in the side, and a good amount of blood came out of his mouth. Ayato should have known, after all, someone has been following them for a while, but the steps were like Thoma's he didn't think much of it. Ayato picked Itto up and ran away from the man. He could have fought the man but trying to protect someone while a fight isn't Ayato's strong suit. As Itto's vision faded, the last thing he saw was Ayato's beautiful face which was filled with concern. 


     It was a week after the accident and Itto was still fast asleep. The doctor said that the arrows were covered in bean oil and because of that Itto could die. To Ayato the thought of his only love dying because of his stupidity and doubtfulness about his own nerves. For the past week, Ayato had slept a total of no hours and everyone was very worried outside Itto's room a person came out and Ayato asked the lady many, many questions before the nurse whispered,

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